Shah Rukh Khan

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I check my watch-8:50-where on earth could Kajol be. I mean I know she can be late but twenty minutes? She seemed so excited about this dinner earlier. I decide to head to reception and get them to call her room. As I get to the desk a panicky feeling sets over me.
"Mr Khan?" The man at reception says his voice deep and rumbly.
"Um I'm wondering if it's possible to call room 207 for me?" I ask politely leaning gently on the desk. The man begins to type on his keyboard when a female colleague butts in.
"Miss Devgn has just checked out," she says, "about half an hour ago." I straighten up.
"Kajol? Checked out?" I repeat what she had just said, the words tasting bitter in my mouth.
"Yes a car has taken her to the airport," the receptionist continues not noticing my shock.
"Oh yeah I remember now," I plaster a false smile on my face and turn to walk away. Then I remember, the phone had rang just as I was leaving her room this evening.
"Yes Mr Khan?" The woman behind the desk asks as I turn to face her again.
"She had a phone call earlier, do you know who called?" I inquire.
"Sorry Mr Khan that's confidential," the receptionist smiles and I thank her before walking towards the lift. I check my watch again-8:55. I scrunch my eyebrows and spin on my heels. I stride back towards the desk.
"Which flight is she on?" I ask folding my arms and resting them on the desk.
"There is only one flight to Mumbai tonight at twenty-five past ten," the male receptionist checks his watch.
"Can I book on it?" I ask.
"Um..." the receptionist taps at his keyboard, "yes there is one seat left."
"Book it and can I have a car ready," I shout as I run across the reception towards the lift. I punch the button impatiently until the lift pings to the floor.
"But Mr Khan what about your dinner reservation?" The male receptionist yells across the foyer.
"Cancel it," I shoot back stumbling into the lift just as the doors begin to close. If Kajol wanted to play dirty, I could play dirty too. I think she's forgetting that I'm also risking a lot, I also have a partner, I also have a lot to lose! She makes out like she has the biggest risks in life, but she doesn't have a four-year old son, a wife who relies on me to provide for them. When the lift pings open on my floor I feel the mobile in my pocket rumble. I reach inside the pocket of my jeans and pull it out.
Gauri Khan
The mobile reads on the screen. I fumble for the answer button as I leave the lift and put the mobile to my ear.
"Shah Rukh?" My wife's voice makes my eyes prick with tears and I have to compose myself to stop the tears rolling down my cheek.
"Gauri," I reply my voice dripping with joy at hearing her voice.
"I've just heard from Karan that Kajol is at the airport?" Gauri asks, hearing Kajol's name makes the smile that had been growing on my lips disappear. It made my body shake as I swiped the key card to get in my room. It made me perspire at the thought of what I'd done.
"Yes that's true," I reply wiping my forehead with the back of my hand, "but I'm also coming home too."
"Really?!" I can hear he excitement in Gauri's voice making my heart soar. She couldn't wait to see my face and I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. Hearing her voice put everything into perspective. I love Gauri, Kajol was just a mistake.
"Yes but I've got to go if I'm to reach the airport on time," I laugh and hastily begin to fold up the clothes I had dumped in my room when I was getting ready for this stupid dinner with Kajol.
"I love you," I can sense Gauri smiling down the phone.
"I love you too," I respond automatically, cutting off the call.


By the time I reach the airport I'm on a tight time limit. I've only got ten minutes to get through check-in and find my gate before it closes. I push through the crowds towards the premium check-in desk. I dump my suitcase on the conveys belt, my passport and boarding pass on the desk.
"Okay Mr Khan," the man behind the desk says clicking some buttons and sticking a tag to my case, "the plane will be held for an extra twenty minutes because there is a delay on the runway lucky for you." I smile as he slides my passport and boarding pass back across the desk. I couldn't help but feel both excited and apprehensive at the thought of see Gauri again. She is my on true love and...

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