Shah Rukh Khan

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3 Months Later

Kajol always looks so cute when she's asleep, the only thing is I know she's not asleep right now just pretending. I move my face closer to hers and stick my tongue out until it touches the tip of her nose. Kajol's lips turn up into a smile but she keeps her eyes closed.
"I love you," I mumble as Kajol puts her arm over my shoulder. She sticks her tongue out and touches the tip of my nose which makes me smile too.
"I love myself too," she smiles before kissing me. I shake my head and pull her into a hug.
"Kajol?" Tanuja shouts from the bottom of the stairs.
"Mmm, just ignore her," Kajol mumbles into my chest wrapping her arms around me.
"Kajol?" Her mum shouts again slowly climbing the stairs. This is the thing with living at her parents house you never get any privacy... And her dad keeps giving me death stares. He is convinced I'm cheating on Kajol but he has no foundations for his accusations other than he saw me meet Gauri for coffee once.
"Ignore her huh?" I whisper as I hear Tanuja's footsteps coming closer to the door.
"Mmm," Kajol moans into my chest. She hasn't been sleeping well lately as the twins keep doing night time aerobics and making her need to wee a lot, which I find hilarious especially if there are no toilets around.
"Kajol!" Tanuja bursts through the door and flings the curtains open. It feels a bit like a mother trying to get their teenager up on a school morning, not Tanuja trying to get Kajol to answer her.
"Haan," Kajol lifts her head up and groans angrily.
"Ajay's in hospital," her mum says as she walks out of the room. Kajol hastily removes the covers and get out of bed as quickly as her growing stomach will let her. I roll onto my back and close my eyes to the light streaming in. It's like Ajay was put on this earth to ruin every single romantic moment I have with Kajol. It's either him or Shomu.

"What are you doing?" Kajol shouts at me throwing a shirt onto my face. I wipe it off me and throw it to the bottom of the bed.
"Sleeping," I say back folding my arms across my chest.

"No you need to drive me to the hospital," Kajol kneels on the bed so I open my eyes and she's dressed ready to go. I groan loudly before pulling a t-shirt from my draw and putting on it. I slide out of bed and stomp down the stairs followed by Kajol.


"Finally," I say as Kajol leaves Ajay's hospital room. She gives me a look which tells me I'm testing her patience but right now I don't care.
"Well I'm done now," Kajol says trying to hold my hand but I pull it away from her.

"Yeah about an hour too late," I laugh sarcastically as we round the corner.

"What is your problem?" Kajol stops. I turn on my heels and look at her. I don't know why but I'm just so angry with her.
"Ajay always comes first," I shout causing a few of the nurses to look our way, "I'm supposed to be the one you love but it's always Ajay." Kajol sighs loudly.
"I'm still legally his wife Shah Rukh," she says calmly, "they called me because I'm still his wife that's all. If someone called to say Gauri was in hospital you'd come wouldn't you?"
"No," I say exasperated, "because you'd probably think we were sleeping with each other." Kajol's eyes widen in shock and she stutters over her words.
"I wouldn't," is all she manages to get out.
"Ajay says jump and you say how high!" I snarl taking large strides towards her until my feet are level with hers. She just stares up at me before gulping hard.

"Ajay says jump and I say I can't because I think my waters have just broke," she slowly looks down at her feet and I follow. There is a small splash of water on the floor below her.
"Shit," I mumble looking back at her face.
"No I think it's water," Kajol whispers urgently. I look around. How far is it to the maternity ward? How am I supposed to get Kajol to the maternity ward? Shit, Kajol is going into labour and we've just been fighting. I notice a hospital porter walking past with a wheelchair and grab it.

"Sit," I urge Kajol who falls into the chair. I look at the signs and decide to go to reception. I turn the chair around causing Kajol's hair to fly across her face before running down the corridor.
"Sir, no running," a nurse calls after me.
"Sorry no can do, my girlfriends going into labour," I shout back as the door we've just ran through bangs noisily behind us.

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