Shah Rukh Khan

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I bang my fist on the door. Why isn't Kajol answering my texts or calls? What is happening in this house? I bang one last time before the door opens.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Ajay bellows grabbing me by the collar of my shirt yanking me through the door. Kajol's dad just stands by the bottom of the stairs her mum in the doorway to the living room just watching the scene play out.
"I just want to check Kajol's alright?" I throw my hands up in a surrender. That's when the door under the stairs pops open and Kajol sticks her head round the door. Her eyes are rimmed red but there is no visible sign that Ajay has hurt her other than with his words.
"That doesn't explain why you're here?" Ajay shouts in my face spittle landing on my cheeks. He shoves me against a wall as Kajol carefully closes the door and steps out.
"Ajay just leave him alone," Kajol whimpers, evidently frightened of what Ajay might do, "he's just being a friend." Ajay eyes Kajol then turns to me and pokes his finger into my chest.
"A friend huh?" Ajay laughs, "bet he's wanting more than just a friendship." I feel my hands beginning to shake. I really just want to thump him so he knows who he's talking to but I don't for Kajol's sake.
"Look mate I'm just here to check Kajol's okay," I try to remain calm, "and right now I don't think she is." Ajay drops my shirt and takes a step back.
"She's fine, she's with her husband," Ajay drapes his arm around Kajol's shoulder making her tense and uncomfortable.
"Ajay back off, you can see you're making her uncomfortable," I say taking a step towards him, trying to be friendly. Ajay removes his arm from Kajol's shoulders and steps towards me so we are face to face.
"Just friends?" Ajay snorts, "I can see you want more than that." With that I feel something hard contact my face. My head bends backwards before recoiling splattering blood down my shirt and onto the floor from my nose. I can see a blurry image of Ajay's face, a smug smirk on his lips. I clench my hands into a fist and feel anger build up inside me. Bam another fist to my face this time to my cheek and another to my eye and another to my jaw before...
"Ajay!" Kajol screams grabbing Ajay's wrist forcing him to stop his beating. Ajay is shaking with rage but seeing Kajol, tears stinging her eyes, he lets his arm drop but grits his teeth. That's when Kajol's father grabs the back of Ajay's shirt and pulls him towards the door.
"I may not agree with Kajol filing for divorce but I certainly do not agree with you using another person as a punchbag," Kajol's father shouts throwing Ajay out of the door, "you need to cool off!" The door is slammed shut and Kajol's father walks past her mother into the lounge.
"Come on," Kajol takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen. She gently forces me to sit on a chair before rummaging round in a cupboard and bringing a tin box to the table.
"Are you okay?" I ask touching Kajol's forearm making her look at me, she smiles weakly. After unwrapping some cotton wool and pouring some brown liquid onto it she faces me and places it on the cut under my eye.
"We're twinning," Kajol smiles gently wiping the cut and I smile.
"Damn what is this stuff?" I gasp as it begins to sting. She cleans my face in silence, the smile sliding away the worry replacing it. If I'm honest I wanted to tell Ajay to hit like a man, I wanted to smash his face in but then I thought if of Kajol, her parents, I don't want to rock the boat-if I'd hit Ajay back then I would have looked just as bad. When Kajol's finished she packs the tin away before looking back at my face.
"I think your nose might be broken," Kajol says bending down so she can get a better look.
"Mmm, good look is it?" I smile which makes my lip hurt and I groan a little.
"Sorry I got you in this mess," Kajol whispers looking from my nose to my eyes.
"You know what might help the pain," I say cheekily, "a little kiss?" Kajol smiles, which lights up her eyes. She leans in until our lips are millimetres from each other.
"So what is going on?" Kajol's eyes fly open at the sound of her mothers voice.
"I think you might need stitches," Kajol bursts taking a step back, her cheeks going faintly pink. I nod my head trying to remove the grin growing on my face-we nearly got busted by Kajol's mum!
"Maybe he should go to the hospital?" Tanuja says crossing her arms over her chest. She looks very formidable, "but this isn't over." Kajol nods her head and I get up off the chair.
"Sorry about your floor," I smile at Tanuja as I follow Kajol out of the kitchen.
"I wouldn't go that way," Tanuja says flatly, "I'd go out the back." God that means Ajay is just hanging around!

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