The Fallout

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"You did what?" Kajol shouts rubbing her forehead.
"I'd just found out about your tumour and you were shutting me out," Shah Rukh tries to justify, "I got drunk and she was there and the next thing I know it just happened."
"That's no excuse, don't pin this on me," Kajol shouts back standing up off the bed.
"We did the exact same thing Kajol, we cheated on our partners for months!" Shah Rukh shouts back through gritted teeth grabbing Kajol by the arms and shaking her gently.
"And if we ever told them and they felt like this I wouldn't be able to live with myself," Kajol spits back. Shah Rukh's jaw pulses.
"I realise it's a mistake Kajol, I don't love Gauri," Shah Rukh tries to calm the situation down.
"But you managed to sleep with her and lie about it for nearly two months," Kajol tries to twist out of Shah Rukh's grip but Shah Rukh isn't letting go.
"So you've never made a mistake huh?" Shah Rukh's eyes narrow and Kajol's face drops.
"I didn't sleep with him," Kajol says looking away. A photograph of them catches her eye. They look so happy, the Great Pyramids behind them no mistakes.
"Oh no of course you didn't," Shah Rukh snaps her back to reality. Yes he had found out about the secret meeting between Kajol and Ajay. She had told him she was going to see her lawyer but she had lied, just like he had-so why is he getting so much stick.
"He kissed me and I immediately pushed him off me," Kajol hisses, "I don't just fall into bed with people." Shah Rukh releases his grip at this last bit, shaking his head. Kajol goes back to packing her bag.
"I was confused," Shah Rukh tries again to explain but Kajol just isn't listening, "I didn't know what was going on. I didn't understand how I was feeling, who I loved." Kajol stops packing her bag and straightens her back. She turns around slowly trying to digest what she had just heard. Shah Rukh opens his mouth slowly letting out a deep breathe. Shit why had he just said that?!
"Do you love me?" Kajol asks letting her arms drop to her side and for her more vulnerable side to come out.
"Kajol why are you asking that?" Shah Rukh responds rubbing the back of his neck. He couldn't look at her. That is it, that is the final straw for Kajol.
"You can't even answer a straight yes/no question," Kajol shouts pounding her fists against Shah Rukh's chest as tears well in her eyes and begin to spill down her cheeks.
"Kajol," Shah Rukh whispers trying to grab her hands as she pushes him towards the door and out into the living room.
"Don't Kajol me," she screams lashing out at him, "I love you and you can't even tell me if you love me. Do you think divorcing Gauri is a mistake? Is that why you slept with her huh? Or was it to get back at me? I swear nothing happened between Ajay and I and I told you about it!" She stops hitting him and breathes heavily. To say the doctor said no physical exertion.
"Kajol, I... No I...  I just, of course I love you," Shah Rukh says a little too late.
"I don't care Shah Rukh. Just get out," she opens the front door, "I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear from you or about you just go!" Shah Rukh stands there.
"Don't do this," Shah Rukh pleads helplessly, "I'm sorry."
"You're 'sorry' are you? You don't even know whether you love me or not! My family is ashamed of me Shah Rukh, ashamed of me and all you can do is say 'sorry'," Kajol steps towards him, her voice low and even, "well I'm sorry too. Sorry I ever fell in love with you." With that she shuts the door on him. Shah Rukh stands there, staring at the peeling paint and wonky door number. He places his hand on the door, willing it to open for Kajol to forgive him to take him back. No she just slumps against the door and falls into floods of tears. It is the principle-isn't it?


1 Months Later

The phone vibrates against Shah Rukh's leg. He takes it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID. Gauri. He answers it and puts the phone to his ear.
"Shah Rukh?" Her voice sounds different, breathy, anxious.
"Hi," he say elongating the word out of confusion. It had been three months since he had slept with Gauri and she hadn't even tried to contact him other than to arrange times to pick up Aryan and that wasn't even her contacting him.
"We need to talk," Gauri sounds suspicious. Shah Rukh narrows his eyes and walks away from the window of his sister's apartment.
"Why?" Right now he didn't really want to see Gauri, he was still trying to show Kajol that she means everything to him so seeing Gauri isn't really going to help that.
"Because I'm three months pregnant," Gauri sobs down the phone. Shah Rukh lets the phone slip from his hand and crash to the floor.
"Bhai?" Shehnaz, Shah Rukh's sister, races forward. Shit.
"This isn't happening!"Shah Rukh shouts storming out of the apartment.

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