Shah Rukh Khan

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"I want it now," Kajol says again not listening to me. I put my hands on my head and sigh loudly.
"Kajol!" I shout, "we have just found out that our baby is dead and you already want to give birth to it." Kajol sets her face, she's not going to budge on the matter.
"I've already taken the tablet," Kajol sighs. Since I got here it's been weird. She couldn't speak on the phone she just told me she was at the hospital and that I needed to get down here. Then she told me things haven't been right. Then a doctor came in and did another scan and looked apologetically at us before telling us that Kajol had miscarried.
"You, you what?" I shout again, "aren't we supposed to be making decisions together?" Kajol shuffles around the bed now dressed in a hospital gown.
"I can't carry it around any longer Shah Rukh, it's gone," she crumples her face to try and stop the tears.
"I can't," I turn and walk out the room leaving Kajol shouting my name. Well she can shout it all she wants if she wants to give birth to this baby then she can do it alone.


Kajol P.O.V.

The pains start to come and I have to take a sharp intake of breathe.
"Kajol?" My dad stands up from his chair. Another wave of pain washes over me.
"You best get Shah Rukh back in here!" I shout trying to control the pain. My dad opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off.
"Dad! I need Shah Rukh right now, I can't do this without Shah Rukh," I exclaim through the pain. My dad nods his head before hurrying out of the room, leaving me alone in the room to breathe through the pain of child birth with a doctor.


"Shah Rukh?" I hear Shomu call my name and turn to look at him. I wipe my remaining tears from my cheeks as he sits down.
"How is she?" I ask. I actually do care about Kajol I didn't want to be sat in the corridor waiting for news.
"There's only one person she wants in there Shah Rukh and it's not me," Shomu explains, "she can't do this without you. I know she was wrong to take the pill before you got here but she's scared. This is the second time she's miscarried and this time it's an actual baby." I look at him.
"But what do you want me to do?" I ask confused, "I can't make it better." That's all I want to do. Stop this pain ripping through us but I can't. I can't turn back the clock-not that it would make much of a difference.
"And neither can I," Shomu sighs, "she needs you Shah Rukh. She needs you else she might do something stupid." I slowly rise from the plastic seat and look at the door to Kajol's hospital room. I sigh and shake my head. Why? Why is this happening to her-to us? Karma? Who knows but it's not right.
"You need her too," Shomu's words echo in my head as I walk towards the door and turn the handle. I push the door and there is Kajol on a hospital bed trying her best to get through the physical and emotional pain. Just seeing her gripping onto the bed sheets with her hands, tears streaming down her face, a doctor trying to calm her down is enough to break through my anger. Shomu's right, she was scared that's why she took the pill and right now she needs me and I need her too. I rush over to her and grab one of her hands.
"It's okay," I say as Kajol's grip tightens with another wave pain.
"But it's not is it?" She screams back and I immediately regret saying it. It was easy when Aryan was born, he was healthy and I knew that when he was born he'd be screaming the place down. But now, I didn't know what to say or do. This baby wasn't going to come out healthy and wasn't going to scream the hospital down. This babies... Gone.

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