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It had been a few weeks since the first time I had had 'morning sickness'. I had told Ajay who was so excited because it is a good sign in pregnancy. Even though I had told Shah Rukh things between me and Ajay were good, I had lied. Ajay had signed this film to get away from me. I was just so stressed with him around, so worried he'd find out the baby isn't his. I had tried to fix things, I had invited our parents round for a meal, I had done 'date nights' with him, I had even forced myself to sleep with him but still he wasn't satisfied. So this film for him is a chance to breathe and I'm fine with that, it means we can work on us as individuals making us a better couple-or at least that's what we told ourselves. So for the past few weeks I have been alone, Shah Rukh was spending quality time with his family and I can't blame him-they were still in love with each other and going strong. So I would only see him on set which I didn't mind because it meant at home I could see things clearly.
"So what is going on between you and Shah Rukh?" Rani asks for what seems to be the hundredth time this car journey.
"Nothing, we are just friends," I reply with the same response.
"That's not what it looked like the other week," Rani shoots back. She is talking about the time when Shah Rukh wanted to find out my cravings early. I had gone to sit in the cafeteria alone when Shah Rukh appeared and put a blindfold on me.
"What are you doing?" I had asked putting my fingers on the fabric on my eyes.
"Don't remove it," Shah Rukh had laughed placing a tray on the table in front of me. "Okay I just want to test some possible craving, so open wide." I followed his instruction and felt him put a spoon in my mouth. I chewed carefully before signalling for something to spit it out into. Shah Rukh led my hand to a bin he had put beside me and I spat out the content of my mouth.
"Guess what it was?" I imagined Shah Rukh with a giant grin on his face watching me eating gross combinations of food.
"Vanilla ice-cream, strawberry jelly, potato and gherkins," I guessed.
"Jackpot, did you like it?" Shah Rukh laughed and I shook my head, "okay open wide." Again I followed his instruction cautiously. I too had to spit this combination out.
"Was that soap?" I reached out for my water and washed my mouth out.
"Soap, potato, apricot and some more soap," Shah Rukh replied, "one more." I opened my mouth and felt the spoon go in.
"Vanilla ice-cream," I said taking off the blindfold and being confronted with the plates he had devised. I swear one had charcoal in it. He sat in front of me and we had laughed until I noticed Rani watching us.
"That was just Shah Rukh being Shah Rukh," I paint over the fact he was doing it because I'm pregnant with his baby, "he's a joker." Rani pulls into Chandni Chowk-the place my character lives at the start of the film.
"Don't believe you," Rani says as she parks in a space and turns the engine off hurriedly getting out of the car. I sigh, what does she want me to do? I can't tell her about Shah Rukh and I because she'd totally freak! I get out of the car just as Rani locks it and walks away, evidently my interrogation is over. I follow her branching off when I reach wardrobe to get into my costume. When I leave wardrobe it's deserted. There is no one around. It feels strange walking towards set and not seeing anyone. Suddenly I feel someone grab my waist and pull me off to the side. When I turn to see who it is I'm pleasantly surprised to see Shah Rukh with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Shouldn't you be on set?" I whisper putting my arms round his neck.
"I've missed you," he whispers back leaning forwards and kissing me.
"Why we've seen each other everyday for the past few days," I laugh. Even though Shah Rukh has been spending time with his family he still managed to come back to set three days early.
"Still missed you," he whispers kissing me again. I smile before pushing him away and walking towards set. When I find Karan he's talking to some of the extras about what they're supposed to do during the scene.
"Kajol!" He shouts when he sees me, enveloping me in a hug.
"You okay Karan?" I laugh wriggling out of his grasp.
"Of course, of course," he smiles, "so you know exactly what's happening in this scene?" I nod my head, noticing Shah Rukh slide onto the set and Rani taking a seat next to Karan's chair. This is the scene where Rahul (Shah Rukh) sees Anjali (me) for the first time, dancing in the streets. I take my stance as Shah Rukh takes his place at the top of the stairs. Karan hurries behind the camera, I notice Rani is still in a mood but I try to ignore it.
"Okay guys," Karan calls the set into silence. Suddenly I feel my stomach cramp and have to stop myself from toppling over. "Action!" I throw my hands up and start dancing the choreography that I had learnt. I resist the temptation to just lie down and die as the cramps get worse. Out the corner of my eye I see Shah Rukh wandering down the steps. The scene is going so well until I stop. My stomach feels like it's on fire. My eyes pop, my mouth gasps and I lean forward holding my stomach.
"Cut, cut, cut," I hear Karan shout, "everyone off set." The extras disperse as I fall to the floor still holding my stomach.
"Kajol?!" I hear the sound of scuffling feet and feel someone's arms around me. I feel like my insides are about to explode.
"Ah," I breathe quietly trying to relieve the pain.
"Someone call an ambulance," Shah Rukh shouts from beside me. I look up, his face is full of panic as he holds me against his chest. Rani is standing near by on her phone speaking rapidly about needing an ambulance.
"It hurts so much," I whisper to Shah Rukh who holds me a little tighter.
"It's fine, everything's fine," he says back, tears forming in his eyes...

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