Shah Rukh Khan

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"You seem happy?" I ask suspiciously as Kajol places a plate of spaghetti bolognese in front of me with a smile.
"Finally get to be rid of you again," she jokes putting a plate in front of her and raising her eyebrows. I shake my head with a laugh and begin spinning spaghetti onto my fork.
"Not long now until it's in editing and I start on my next film either," I say after chewing a mouthful.
"Haan, but it's closer to you leaving tomorrow than it is to you starting a new film," Kajol smiles moving the pasta around her plate. I shovel another mouthful into my mouth and watch as Kajol screws her face up at the dish below her.
"It's not that bad," I say, "even though you have made it." Kajol smiles and puts the fork into the dish pushing it away.
"Not hungry ate earlier," she lies but I don't say anything just finish my plate and start eating hers. When I've cleaned both plates I offer to clear up and Kajol goes and sits on the sofa reading my new script.
"Sounds good," Kajol says waving the script in the air. I slide onto the sofa next to her and take the script from her hands throwing it behind the sofa. Kajol's mouth begins to fall into an 'o' as I pull her towards me and begin kissing her neck. Not seeing Kajol for months at a time is hard but knowing I'll see her always makes my heart soar. I feel Kajol put her arms around my neck and slowly use my lips to trace her jaw moving up to her ear.
"Bedroom plus us equals..." I whisper playfully.
"Sounds good," Kajol whispers back kissing my lips. I stand up off the sofa and reach my hand out to hers. I pull her into the bedroom and pull my own shirt off. Kajol places her hands delicately on my chest and rests her forehead on mine. I begin unbuttoning her shirt as her fingers trace shapes on my chest. When I've tugged the fabric off her body I pull her closer to me letting our skin touch. I move my fingers to the top of Kajol's trousers but she stops me. She takes a deep breathe as I kiss her neck.
"Shah Rukh," she whispers excitedly.
"Mmm," I mumble kissing her cheek then her mouth.
"Shah Rukh I can't do this with you," she continues and I stop my lips tracing her familiar body.
"Why?" I ask confused. I find myself feeling confused often when it comes to Kajol. She bites her bottom lip her lips forming a smile, our foreheads still together. She puts her hands on my neck.
"Because I'm pregnant," she whispers. I feel a rush of excitement course through my body.
"What? When? How?" The questions pop out of my mouth before I can fully form them.
"Well Shah Rukh a boy meets a girl he likes..." Kajol laughs and can't help myself but laugh with her. It's infectious!
"Who else have you told?" I ask closing my eyes.
"Just you," she says and kisses me, "but I'm eight to nine weeks pregnant Shah Rukh!" I pull her into a hug and feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
"I love you," I whisper feeling tears of joy fall from my eyes and Kajol laughs as they fall onto her shoulder. She leans back and wipes my cheeks with her fingers a permanent smile on her face which actually stretches to her eyes.
"I love you too but I'm really tired," Kajol moves backwards and I let my arms fall from her waist as she pulls her pyjamas from under her pillow.


"Kajol?" I ask into the dark room. Something doesn't feel right but I don't know what. "Kajol?"
"Haan?" She mumbles turning over. I move my hand onto her waist letting my eyes get used to the darkness of the room. Familiar objects begin to forms shadows of grey.
"Kajol?" I ask again bending my knees and feeling something wet in the bed.
"Haan?" She mumbles placing her hand on my face like that's supposed to tell me she's listening.
"Kajol, this is serious," I say urgently peeling the sheets off us and searching for the cable to the bedside lamp.
"Why what's wrong?" She asks rolling onto her back before letting out a quiet squeak. I find the cable and trace down it until I find the switch. The tiny bulb emits light into the room causing me to close my eyes.
"Sha... Sha... Shah Rukh?" Kajol's voice sounds small and frightened as I hear her sit up in bed. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the light.
"Shit Kajol!" I shout as my eyes finally adjust. Silent tears fall down Kajol's face as she holds out her hands which are covered in blood. I reach for the phone and dial the emergency number.
"Ambulance," I shout down the phone sliding off the bed.
"What... What's happening to me?" She asks in a shaky voice. I talk to the guy on the other end of the phone, he tells me an ambulance is two minutes away and to remain calm. That's easy for him to say he's not just woken up next to his bleeding girlfriend who's only just told you she's pregnant. I try to calm Kajol down but she won't stop crying even if the only noise she's making is asking me 'what's happening to me' over and over again. There's a knock at the door and I run to answer it. A male and woman paramedic walk past me and ask me where the 'patient' is. I point to our bedroom and just slide down the wall where I stand and end up sitting on the floor shaking my head. The male paramedic comes out and crouches down beside me.
"We're going to take her in an ambulance to the hospital," he says putting his hand on my shoulder, "you can attend in the ambulance if you like?" I nod my head letting the information pass through one ear and out the other. Ambulance plus Hospital equals miscarriage.

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