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I sit on the toilet, the stick in my hand. I stare at it until it goes blurry. I double checked that Ajay was going to be out all day so he couldn't come home and barge in. I check my watch again, it's been the time. I check the stick again, the screen reading 'positive 2 weeks'.
"Shit," I mumble under my breath. I, Kajol Devgn, am pregnant. I feel like the world is falling down around me. This can't be! I can't be pregnant. The test must have got it wrong. It must be faulty. "Shit!"
"What are you shitting?" I hear Ajay's voice in the bedroom. What the hell was he doing home? I must have been so absorbed in this test that I didn't hear him come in! I scramble to hide the test as I hear Ajay twist the door handle and push the door.
"Nothing," my voice is high pitch-I'm surprised dogs haven't started barking.
"Kads," Ajay is standing behind me, "is that what I think it is?" I turn around test halfway to the bin. Ajay is holding the pregnancy test box in his hand, I had left it on the sink.
"Would you believe me if I said no?" I stammer.
"What does it say?" Ajay kneels down beside me, excitement in his eyes. He looks like a child on Christmas Day unwrapping his presents. I just sit there, not saying anything, not moving. Ajay reaches his right hand out gently placing his fingers around my right wrist and bringing it back so he could see the stick in my white knuckles.
"Um," I stutter.
"Oh my god," Ajay bursts reading the screen on the test stick, "oh my god!" I try to plaster a smile on my face, to join in the excitement but I just feel sick.
"I should go," I stammer getting up of the toilet. I try to skirt around Ajay but he stands and pulls me into a bear hug.
"I can't believe this is finally happening!" He is so excited and I'm just not. I pull away and smile at him.
"Yeah it's good," I say as I leave the bathroom, placing the test in the sink. I grab a bag and hurry towards the front door.
"We should celebrate," Ajay calls after me.
"Don't you think that's tempting fate?" I respond putting my hand on the front door.
"I'm just so excited though!" Ajay literally jumps for joy. I pull the door open and step outside letting the door slam behind me. I feel tears rolling down my cheek and wipe them angrily away. I scrabble around in my bag for my keys and unlock my car. I clamber into the drivers seat and start the engine. I drive to the set and park in a space a bit haphazardly. I get out of the car, locking it as I slam the door close. I navigate my way around set specifically looking for Shah Rukh's trailer. Over the past couple of weeks Shah Rukh and I had been sharing stolen glances, kisses in dark corners just like teenagers in the schoolyard. I see his trailer and run up the steps barging through the door.
"Well come on in," Shah Rukh laughs a smile spreading across his face as he turns around in his chair. The smile quickly disappears when he sees the serious look on my face.
"We need to talk," I say plainly.
"Okay, should I be worried?" Shah Rukh inquires, eyes widening.
"I'm... I'm," I struggle to get the words out. I close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. "I'm pregnant," the words pop out of my mouth before I have the chance the swallow them back down.
"Wow," Shah Rukh breathes, "that's great you'll be a great mother..."
"Shah Rukh," I try to stop him.
"Ajay, well he'll be an awesome dad," Shah Rukh continues.
"Shah Rukh," I try again.
"And I must be one of the first to know so I'm honoured," Shah Rukh says sarcastically putting his hand on his chest.
"Shah Rukh," I shout grabbing his attention, "it's yours. It's your baby..."

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