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"Hello?" I call out as I close the front door. Today has been a highly stressful and anxious day but now I had told Shah Rukh I was carrying his baby it's like the world has been righted!
"Kads, you're back," Ajay rushes out of the kitchen and bounds down the hall embracing me in a bear hug.
"Okay slightly dying here," I joke as Ajay lets go. He has a big goofy smile on his face.
"Missed you," he smiles kissing my lips. Without realising I back away, luckily Ajay doesn't realise. I smile to cover up my guilt but the smile falls away as I hear noise coming from the kitchen.
"Um what's going on?" I ask, a look of slight panic on my face.
"Well I've invited your parents and my parents round for a little celebratory dinner," Ajay bursts grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the kitchen. I shake off his grip and plant myself firmly in the hallway.
"What?" I laugh nervously.
"Yah they're coming round in half an hour," Ajay continues to beam.
"What are we celebrating?" I put my hands on my hips. Ajay laughs but soon realises I'm being serious.
"The baby of course," Ajay gestures at me. I have to bite my tongue so I don't splurge anything too horrible out of my mouth.
"Ajay I'm two weeks," I try to keep my tone moderate.
"Yeah," Ajay says, "but we're starting a new chapter in our story. I mean we courted, we married and now we're starting a family. Let's turn that page." Ajay laughs trying to grab my hand. I step back.
"I'm two weeks," I repeat a little more firmly.
"And it's just our parents," it's like Ajay is trying to reassure me.
"Ajay fifty percent of women suffer miscarriages within the first month of pregnancy," I respond angrily. Ajay's beaming smile falls from his face.
"It's just with this film and everything I barely get to see you so I just wanted to share this joy with someone," Ajay justifies, putting on puppy dog eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets-like that is going to work.
"Because that justifies you spilling this personal news with everyone huh?" I try not to shout.
"Not everyone just our parents," Ajay tries to calm me.
"Yeah Ajay that's practically everyone soon it'll be in the papers," I can feel my blood boiling, way to bring down a fairly good day!
"Kads, stop stressing it's not good for the baby," Ajay takes a step towards me and leads me towards the sofa.
"Please just cancel this meal," I ask nicely.
"Why?" Ajay puts his foot down.
"Because this is stressing me," I play on his fears.
"No what's stressing you is continuing with that stupid film," Ajay raises his voice, "not a poxy meal with our parents." It's like we're going in circles. The argument always comes back round to the film.
"No Ajay I'm not stressed about the film I'm stressed because you've told people I'm pregnant when there is still a high chance of miscarriage," I rage getting up off the sofa.
"Well maybe if you weren't doing this film then you would be spending more time with me and I wouldn't have to share this news with other people," Ajay narrows his eyes.
"I'm going to bed," I sigh turning towards the bedroom and stomping off in that direction.
"But our parents will be here in ten minutes, it's only nine o'clock," Ajay calls after me.
"And?" I shoot back slamming the bedroom door. It's bad enough I'm lying about Ajay being the father, but then he has to go and tell my parents and his parents about the baby and he still wants me to quit the film and I'm fed up off him trying to control my life.
"Kajol please just one dinner," Ajay says opening the door.
"Ajay right now I'm pregnant, tomorrow I may be 'unpregnant'" I break it down for him, "why would I want to celebrate something that can be easily unraveled?" Ajay looks dumbfounded.
"Fine!" Ajay shouts storming towards the living room. He grabs the phone from the holder and punches in a number, "I'll cancel the dinner." Right now he is so angry and I can't deal with him like this. So I close the door and put my pyjamas on before climbing into bed. About twenty minutes later Ajay enters the bedroom and rummages around for his pyjamas. He doesn't turn the light on so gets changed in the dark. He then climbs under the covers and turns his back on my back, sleeping a fair distance away from me. I hate going to bed on an argument but currently I'm just feeling so volatile and Ajay keeps pushing my buttons. Before I know it I've fallen asleep and...

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