Shah Rukh Khan

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The whole schedule had been changed because Kajol needed 5 weeks rest to recover from her surgery. So Karan decided to film some odd bits and pieces for the film with Ambitabh, Jaya and Rani. She still wasn't talking to me-Rani. I tried talking to her but she just blanked me. It's like she can't stand me now she knows what me and Kajol have done. Not that Kajol is talking to me either. I found out that Ajay was only coming back from filming for a couple of days, he was so angry with Kajol for continuing with the film, for suffering a miscarriage, for ignoring his warnings. I tried in vain to make some form of contact with her but she wouldn't answer my calls, listen to what I have to say. So I just had to sit tight, reading a heart felt statement in the newspaper from Ajay, watching from the sidelines not being able to mourn for my baby. So for five weeks I tried to put everything out of my head, Kajol, the baby, Ajay, Rani. I spent it with my family. Gauri couldn't even tell there was anything wrong, neither could Aryan. It felt like before I'd realised I loved Kajol. I felt happy being with Gauri, I didn't need Kajol. But then she was back on set. It is a surprise to see her. She smiles at everyone, says hi to everyone bar from me. It's like she's ignoring me-ignoring what happened. I don't mind though, being with Gauri had made me realise that maybe Kajol was a mistake.
"Okay so now Kajol's back," Karan gestures at Kajol who is sat with her script, "we can start filming one of the songs." Hearing this everyone gets excited. Filming a song was like the best thing about filming! It was a chance to have fun, a chance to relax and unwind.
"Which song is it?" I ask praying it's not one with just me and Kajol.
"Yeh Ladka Hai Allah," Karan looks excited. I try hard not to let the smile slip from my mouth. Great, a song focusing on me and Kajol. Well this is going to be fun to film. Karan sends us to wardrobe. I put on a grey Kurta Pyjama and go to find the set! It's a massive room with dirt floors and a sculpture in the middle. Coloured cloth drapes from the ceiling and the extras look as if they are actually going to an engagement party. I start practising my steps when Kajol walks down the stairs in a yellow kameez. I have to stop myself from smiling when I see her because she looks exquisite.
"Okay everyone know what's happening?" Karan directs from behind the camera and we all take our starting positions, Kajol at the top of the stairs in the bridal party and me at the bottom sorts just hanging around. "Action!" It's all going so well I've got the steps right down to the beat and Kajol is doing well too, even if our facial expressions aren't exactly the most convincing. Then it gets to the parts where we start dancing together and things just start going wrong. The butterflies start, the tingling feeling picks it's way through my body.
"Stop," Kajol says throwing her hands up and walking in the opposite direction to me.
"What?" I say following her my eyebrows furrowed.
"I can't dance with him when he doesn't know the routine," Kajol looks at Karan.
"I don't know the routine?" I say, "you got the step wrong." Kajol turns and looks st me furiously.
"No I only got the step wrong afterwards because you did it wrong in the first place," Kajol hisses.
"Guys it was great," Karan tries to interject.
"Oh yeah so blame it on me," I continue like I hadn't heard Karan, "you just can't take responsibility for the fact you can't dance."
"I can't dance," Kajol raises her voice, "if I can't dance then you must be having some form of fit." Kajol turns away crossing her arms across her chest.
"I can't work with her," I say to Karan.
"Okay guys I think we need to chill out a little here," Karan begins.
"Chill out, I'll chill out when you recast the male lead," Kajol shouts storming off in the direction of her trailer.
"I'll chill out when you recast the female lead," I say loud enough for Kajol to hear it.
"Because that's really going to happen," Kajol stops to yell back at me, "it's like just because your nickname is 'King Khan' you feel like everyone else is your subjects and if they're not at your crappy standards then you get rid of them. Well sorry I'm better at dancing than you." She continues to storm off.
"Oh that's it," I shout narrowing my eyes and following her.
"Shah Rukh," Karan calls after me, "that's not a good idea." I know it's not a good idea but I wasn't accepting Kajol shouting at me for something made up. Kajol mounts the stairs of her trailer and slams the door shut behind her. I follow her in and shut the door with a bang. She turns and when she sees me her eyes grow angry.
"What do you want?" She yells.
"What is your problem?" I yell back like we're two kids in the playground. I expect her to just shout some random reason back in my face. What I don't expect is for her to throw her arms around me and kiss me like I'm the only thing keeping her alive. But what I don't expect even more is for me to kiss her back like she is the only thing keeping me alive. I thought with all the time I'd spent with Gauri that all these feelings I'd felt for Kajol had disappeared. Evidently not as I put my arms round her waist and push her towards the wall. She obliges and pulls me closer to her...

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