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They said a lot of things at the hospital. They said his nose wasn't broken. They said we should report whoever had done it. They said his eye socket was lucky not to be fractured. They said the stitches would dissolve naturally. They said we could leave, so that's what we did.
"Kajol it isn't your fault," Shah Rukh says for the fiftieth time. I put a plate of dinner in front of him, ignoring my phone which is ringing for the hundredth time, my parents again.
"Kajol?" Shah Rukh places his hand on my forearm before I can move back to the sink.
"If I hadn't text you..." I shut my eyes. I have a splitting headache.

"Then you would still be stuck in that house," Shah Rukh stands up and puts his arms around me. Just knowing he is here makes me feel safe, but I can't help but feel responsible for what Ajay has done.
"At least you wouldn't look broken," I mumble leaving my arms at my side. I feel Shah Rukh sigh.
"Don't shut me out," he always says this. He knows that whenever he says it the truth just falls out of my mouth.
"My head hurts, I might just go to bed," I try to disentangle myself from Shah Rukh but he won't let me go. I open my eyes as Shah Rukh steps back, keeping his arms around me. He cocks his head to one side and smiles a sad smile.
"Love you," he says, squeezing my arms gently.
"Love you too," I reply trying to smile but failing miserably. Shah Rukh lets my arms go and I stumble into the bedroom. I don't bother changing out of my clothes so just fall into bed. I feel like someone is trying to escape from my skull and is drilling their way through to the front of my head. I close my eyes and pray for sleep to come.


"Oh mi God!" I mumble rubbing the front of my head, "Shah Rukh can you stop hoovering or whatever you're doing it's making my head hurt?"
"What?" I hear Shah Rukh's voice beside me and turn onto my side to see him lying in bed next to me. His face slowly contorts with concern.
"Nothing," I try to ignore the blinding pain in my head. I push back the covers and swing my legs out of bed. I slowly get off the bed and walk over to the wardrobe, Shah Rukh has hung my stuff up. I turn and smile at him but he doesn't smile back.
"Kajol?" Shah Rukh begins, "are you okay?" I turn back to the wardrobe letting my smile drop, grinding my teeth.

"Yeah," I force, 'no' I want to scream. My head hurts so much. I pull some clothes out of the wardrobe and make my way towards the bathroom on the other side of the small apartment. I wash, change and eat some breakfast before making my way to the front door followed by Shah Rukh.
"I don't think we should go in today," Shah Rukh touches my shoulder. He means he doesn't think we should go back to filming, but we are so close to finishing the film.
"We only have three songs left," I murmur, "I'm fine, you're definitely fine they can do some amazing stuff those make-up artists." I grab a set of car keys from a bowl and open the door. It takes twenty minutes to drive to the set. We drive in silence, Shah Rukh watching me.
"I'm fine," I insist as we walk onto set. I push Shah Rukh in the direction of make-up. I just need to be away from him for a couple of minutes so I can let out this pain without worrying him. It is just a headache-it'll pass. Shah Rukh turns back to me, his eyebrows furrowed with concern. I smile at him and wave. He walks away and I silently scream. I need to find Rani, she always has some paracetamol with her.

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