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I ignore Shah Rukh as he tries to talk to me instead I dial Rani's number. I listen to the dial tone for what seems to be a lifetime before...
"Kajol!" Rani shouts down the phone exasperated. I pace from the lounge into the bedroom and back again Shah Rukh following me.
"What's going on?" I ask trying to bat Shah Rukh away.
"Didn't you read my text?" Rani replies nastily. It's not her fault, I know, it's mine.
"Kajol?" Shah Rukh tries to take the phone from my hand but I move him away and lock myself in the bathroom.
"Rani?" I try to hold back tears.
"All I'm saying is Tanishaa called and told me to tell you to get home quick before things really start kicking off," Rani says shortly, "and you know why she can't call you herself." I know why. I have read the text, I have digested the information, I have realised my parents anger. I can hear Shah Rukh banging on the bathroom door. I have been really unfair since reading the text and right now I need him more than ever.
"I should go," I sob down the phone before hanging up. I hastily unlock the bathroom door and fall into Shah Rukh's arms.
"Kajol don't do this," Shah Rukh whispers hugging me tightly as I sob into his shirt. My cheek is pressed against his chest but I feel no pain. When I feel the sobs have subsided I straighten up and wipe my cheeks. I notice I've left a trail of bloody tears on Shah Rukh's shirt and smile a little.
"I've got to go to my parents," I say walking past him into the bedroom. I hear him plod after me as I empty my bag looking for something to wear.
"Why?" Shah Rukh sits on the bed placing his hands on my wrists to stop me from rummaging through my bag. I sigh and look at him. He looks genuinely concerned about me.
"Ajay called them and told them I want a divorce," I mumble, "I need to go over there and sort things out." Shah Rukh loosens his grip on my wrists but still has control over them.
"I'll come with you," he states letting my arms drop. He moves over to the wardrobe and flings the doors open. I can see he's half filled it with his stuff and left the other half for me. I smile to myself as he pulls out a fresh shirt and shrugs off the old one.
"You shouldn't come," I say finding a purple kameez, exactly what I'm looking for. With that Shah Rukh turns around abruptly only halfway to buttoning up his shirt. His mouth drops into an 'o' shape.
"I'm not letting you go alone," he says biting at his words a little. I flick my hand to get Shah Rukh to leave before slipping my old clothes off and my kameez on. I pull my hair into a pony tail and go out into the living room.
"You can drive me but you can't come in," I sigh when I see Shah Rukh sitting on the sofa his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.
"But how am I supposed to know what's happening?" He says jumping up off the sofa.
"It'll be fine," I lie to myself. The only reason I'm wearing a kameez is to appease my parents so they don't think I'm too 'westernised' because I want a divorce.
"Okay okay, I'll sit outside in the car. Send me a 1 if things are good, 2 if things are bad but bearable and 3 if you want me to get the car started for a quick getaway,?" Shah Rukh rushes enthusiastically. I nod my head a smile creeping across my lips. Even in times like this Shah Rukh always knows what to say to make me happy.


My dad pulls me into the house and punches the door shut. My eyes are wide and my mouth drops open. I knew they were angry but not this angry. That's until I spot Ajay sat in the lounge with my mum.
"What's he doing here?" I point to Ajay making my lips into a straight line. At the sound of my voice his head turns and he gets off the sofa storming into the hallway.
"I had to get someone on my side," Ajay rages.
"It's not about sides, Ajay," I say closing my eyes in frustration, "I just think we're moving in different directions." This makes Ajay snort.
"We both love each other, both want a baby, both want what's best for each other," Ajay lies, lies, lies, "isn't that the same direction?" I open my eyes.
"You're crazy," I laugh out of shock, "you've been telling me for weeks you don't want me to do this film or any other film in the future."  This makes Ajay's anger even worse and makes me regret saying it.
"I don't believe you! You just hang on to every word I say and throw them back at me all the time. I've done nothing but love and support you," Ajay fires.
"'Love and support'?" My mouth hangs open in shock, "you called me a 'rubbish wife' because I had an ectopic pregnancy." Ajay's eyes are blazing now with rage.
"I've done everything for you and this is how you repay me," with every word he steps towards me his finger in my face until he has me against a wall, "you're an ungrateful bitch. I picked you up out of the gutter. People were calling you such horrible things because you were unmarried and working on all those films with those men, letting them touch your body. I thought I can make you something, make you someone to be proud of and now you're just going to drop me? Huh? That's not how it works. You don't get to decide we are getting a divorce. We work through our problems and smile," Ajay spits each word in my face and I feel tears welling in my eyes. I reach my left hand out and feel a handle to a door. I push it down and hurry into the room. I'm grateful it's a bathroom and lock the door. I fall onto the toilet lid letting the tears wash my face and sting my cheek. Ajay bashes the door making it vibrate in its frame. I grab my phone and look for Shah Rukh's name.
I send it. Then
Until Shah Rukh texts me back and I drop my phone on the floor with a clatter.
"Ungrateful bitch, I tried so hard. I love you so much and you want to leave me?" Ajay shouts continuing to lash out at the door.
"Go away," I sob putting my face in my hands.
"You can't leave me, we made a vow to love each other. It's not right. You don't even want to try! You just want to go," Ajay bellows and I feel as though the world is crashing down around me, "I'm not letting you go Kajol, you need me and I need you." That's a lie. I don't need Ajay, I need Shah Rukh. Shah Rukh who understands me. Shah Rukh who wants to make me smile. Shah Rukh who wants to make me happy.
"We can work through this," Ajay exclaims, "we can make things right. Love isn't easy but it's not hard, this problem can go away. You're just angry you don't really want a divorce you just want to get a reaction out of me well here it is!" It's all just lies. How could we every work through this? I had fallen in love with the shy, kind, brilliant Ajay but he has become the wicked, vile, speak-before-thinking Ajay who throws out horrible words in order to maim and injure. Well here I am, Kajol maimed and injured on a toilet lid in my parents house my 'husband' abusing a door and shouting at me things he's always harboured and resented about me. No more though. I didn't want to be injured anymore...

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