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"They think it might have changed," I explain to Rani and Tanishaa trying to fight back the tears.
"Changed how?" Tanishaa sits in the side of the bed and puts my hand in her hands.
"They think it may have moved on to stage 3 that's why I had a seizure but they won't be completely sure until they've taken it out and done tests on it," I continue watching as shock, hurt and fear are etched onto their faces.
"But what does that mean?" Rani asks beginning to pace at the bottom of the bed. Even though she was our cousin she was more like a sister to us so she deserved to be here right now with Tanishaa and I.
"It means I may not have long to live if it's changed," I shrug tears welling in my eyes-the nurse specifically told me not to get choked up else the surgery would have to be pushed back.
"What?" Tanishaa squeezes my hand tightly like she's not going to let go.
"Hey they don't know yet," I try to smile, a pathetic limp smile, "all I know is I'm going into surgery in twenty minutes and when I come out I don't want to see Shah Rukh and I definitely don't want to see Ajay." Oh they had told me. Told me of the fight, the accusations of wife and ex-wife but I couldn't deal with either of them right now. I don't know whether I'll live to see the release of Kabhi Khushie Kabhi Gham!


7 Weeks Later

"I'm pleased with her progress," the doctor beams at my mum and dad, "in fact I'm so pleased that we are releasing her today." This is the news I've been waiting for! This is why I have been putting up with bad food, splitting headaches and seizures! I am going home. The doctor said it was normal to have symptoms of a brain tumour after it had been removed, he said it was because of swelling in my brain where they had taken it out. So I had put up with it so I could get out of the hospital as soon as possible.
"We'll have everything ready for you and we can send Tanishaa to pick you up, she'll be so excited that you're being released," my mum looks so happy like someone's just told her they are remaking one of those ancient TV shows she likes to dig out and make us watch. I smile. I haven't seen Shah Rukh since I collapsed on him, I got the doctor to tell him it was only close family that could see me but that's because I couldn't deal with looking at him knowing he had lied but not being able to call him out on it.
"Well I'll just sign the papers, give you some new medication but please remember not to expert yourself too much so no going to the gym or anything like that just simple exercises like a short walk," the doctor smiles before leaving.
"You don't seem happy?" My dad sits on the edge of the bed. I am happy really I am, I'm just anxious about facing Shah Rukh and Ajay after seven weeks of being cocooned in the confines of the hospital.
"Happy I'm coming home to you guys," I gesture for a hug and my mum and dad envelope me into a bear like grip.


I try several times to put the key in the lock. I try several times to turn the key to unlock the door. I try several times to push the door open.
"I can do this," I whisper to myself. I push the door open. Shah Rukh spins around from the stove shock written all over his face.
"Kajol?" It's like he's seeing a ghost or something.
"I'm just here to collect some stuff," I walk past him into the bedroom letting the front door shut with a bang. I grab a bag from the wardrobe, whether it's mine or Shah Rukh's right now I do not care.
"Why where are you going? You didn't even tell me you were being discharged?" Shah Rukh blabbers. I pull some tops off a coat hanger and stuff them into the bag then move onto the draws pulling out trousers and scarfs.
"I'm moving in with my parents," I say zipping the bag up, "sorry I thought they'd informed you." I knew they hadn't informed him but I wasn't going to admit that.
"I can look after you," Shah Rukh moves further into the room snatching my bag up and holding it to his chest, "I can look after you." I lick my lips and close my eyes.
"Where were you?" I whisper.
"I was confused and drunk," Shah Rukh begins with an excuse, "I slept with Gauri." I feel my legs buckle from under me and fall onto the bed, opening my eyes and letting the breathe I had been holding out.

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