"Do You....Like Wanna....?"

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A couple of months have passed and the drama finally passed. Calvin and I grew to be better friends. We actually started skyping.

"What's up short stuff" I smiled as Calvin's fave popped up on the screen.

"I'm fucking average height!" He said.

"Yeah sure you are" I laughed as he sighed.

"What have you been up to?" He asked as he scrolled on his phone.

"I filmed and edited a video"

"Mhm" he said, obviously not listening.

"I went to lunch with my mom"


"And I broke out Charles Manson from prison and we went on a killing spree"

"That sounds like fun"

"CALVIN!" I yelled, snapping him back to attention.

"Geez East, what?" He said, as he placed his hand on his chest.

"I literally confessed to multiple murderers and got no reaction" I laughed.

"Sorry...I've just been so busy with my YouTube channel and I'm reading through emails for ideas and shit"  he said.

He looked really tired and restless.

"When was the last time you slept?"  I asked him.

"Two days ago....?"

"Cal....you really need to take care of yourself" I said

"I don't know how"

I sighed.

"Do you...like wanna....fly to Utah and take care of me for a while....?" He said, looking up.

"is this you or your tiredness talking?" I asked

"Both....." He chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay. Except me in a few days" I smiled.

"Thanks Easton, you're the best." He said

"Now go to bed. Night Calvin"

"Goodnight Easton"

Make Me Wanna Die | leafyishereWhere stories live. Discover now