"Well Im Glad Youre Here..."

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Calvin and I talked for a while. By the time we were done it was 5 pm.

He decided to finish editing his video and I went to the kitchen to start dinner.

I searched through the cabinets. There was nothing in them, except some old cans and a stale box of cereal.

I decided to check the fridge but the only thing that was in there was a ton of energy drinks.

I sighed. "Cal I'm gonna go grocery shopping." I said.

"Okay. You can use my car. Keys are by the door" I heard a reply come from his bedroom.

I slipped on my vans and grabbed the keys. I made sure to check that my wallet was in my bag and drove to the store.

I bought a bunch berries so I can make Calvin a nice breakfast tomorrow.

I also bought a bunch of vegetables, pasta, and other stuff to fill his fridge and cupboards with.

I drove back to his house. Calvin helped me bring in the bags and we put them away.

"Did you finish your video?" I asked

"Yeah...it's uploading right now" Cal replied.

"Well you can go shower...looks like you haven't done that in a while" I said, scrunching up my nose.

"That's a really fucked up thing to say....you're lucky I like you" he said, chuckling a bit, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I decided to make something simple for dinner today. I just cooked spaghetti.

"Cal! Dinners ready" I said as I grabbed two plates and served the food.

Calvin came back, his hair wet and his pajamas already on.

We sat at the island and started eating.

"This is probably the best meal I've eaten in months" he said, breaking the silence.

"I'm glad you liked it." I said, giving him a smile.

"Well I'm glad you're here"

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