"Remind Me To NEVER Sleep With You..."

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"So like last night...you thought you were funny didn't you?" Cal asked me.

It was 3 pm and I was skyping my boyfriend. "Yeah, actually I did. I thought I was fucking hilarious"

He laughed. "I'll admit some of them made me chuckle, so like...Demon Vail huh?"

"Who said that I'm going to marry you and have kids with you?" I asked, smirking. I raised my brow at Cal through the computer screen.

"Who said we had to get married? What if I just got you pregnant?" he asked, returning the smirk. 

"Remind me to NEVER sleep with you. I'll end up pregnant with like 30 kids"

"30? Damn I'm good" he said. He couldn't hold it in and broke out laughing at his own little, stupid joke. 

"What did I get myself into? You are a child. I'm in a relationship with a child trapped in the body of a 20 year old." I laughed along. Cal's laugh is contagious. Especially when he starts choking and coughing because his body can't control itself.

We just sat there for a while. Laughter filling both of our rooms. When we were next to each other we could probably laugh for hours, non stop. I bet that since I've started my friendship with Calvin anyone who I lived with, or around, hated me. But honestly I didn't care. I enjoyed Cal's company. His stupid comments. And that laugh.

"I'm so fucking tired. Literally I need you here or I will never get myself to go to sleep. I have no fucking control over myself." he said after we both stopped laughing.

"I swear I'll hire you a nanny so they can force you to go to bed" I said.

"Is it going to be a hot, sexy nanny?" 

"Yes, Calvin. He's going to be super hot and sexy" 

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