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The next morning I woke up at 11, the space beside me was empty. 

I sat up looking for Calvin, only to find his sitting on the small sofa in the room, doing something on his laptop.

"Morning" I yawned, covering my body with the sheets and looked for a shirt and panties.

"Here you go" Cal smiled, throwing me one of his Vans shirts. 

I wiggled into it and slipped on a pair of fresh underwear.

"What you doing there?" I walked over to him, sitting on the couch. I rested my head on his shoulder, looking at his screen.

"Just looking for a new house, to at least rent for now, in Colorado." he replied, placing a small kiss on my lips, and then returned for his hunt.

"Well we should go get food, I'm starving" I said.

"Can we just order in? It's raining and I want to have a lazy day. Besides, you look comfy in that shirt" 

I nodded, smiling a little bit, and walked over to the phone to order some room service. 

When the food arrived, I sat back next to Cal and we ate our breakfast together, talking about his house and stuff like that.

"You should move in with me" he said, catching me by surprise.

"What? Cal...I don't know if I should...I mean we-"

"You don't have to make up your mind right now babe. Just think about it"

"Okay" I smiled, kissing him. "I'll think about it"

(So will she say yes?

lol idk.

in other news, my ferret likes Leafy. I was cleaning his cage while watching Cal's new video and he just sat next to me, staring at the screen for the entire thing

when it comes to ferrets, them being still for 5 minutes is a miracle

so like...whatcha doin there love?

and I realized that this chapter is fucking short, and I realized that I said I'll start writing when I complete my hw

but I didn't. And I didn't want to rush a good chapter...so I just wrote a tiny one to kinda make up for my procrastination)

Make Me Wanna Die | leafyishereWhere stories live. Discover now