"I'm Easton and Welcome Back To My Channel"

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"Hey what's good! I'm Easton and welcome back to my channel! And today we will do something stupid that will probably ruin my chance of getting a job in the future and fuck up my entire life! But hey, can't ruin something that wasn't going to turn out good in the first place, right?"  I said to my camera as the intro to my new video.

I started my YouTube about a year ago and already hit the half a million mark, which kind of surprised me because I'm the most boring, lonely person in the world.

"I was going to bring a friend into this video until I realized that I don't have any....no but seriously today's video is just me acting like a fucking idiot while answering the questions I forced you to ask me on twitter" I continued as I grabbed my phone.

How old are you?

"I just turned 18 about 3 weeks ago"

What grade are you in?

"Im a senior..I'll be graduating in a couple of weeks actually so won't be in school for long"

Who's your celebrity crush?

"That's for me to know and for him to find out" I winked at the camera.

If you could fuck any girl in this entire universe who would it be?

"Now that's a question I like. To be honest who wouldn't I fuck? But in all seriousness probably Juliet Simms, Halsey, and Taylor Momsen  because like who in their right mind wouldn't?"

Favorite position in bed?

"The sleeping position"

I finished up my video, edited it, and uploaded it before 2 am. New fucking record. After that I decided not to shower because why the hell not and went to bed.

(This was just a little intro to the story I guess... sorry for making you read this trash lol. I decided to write this instead of doing my AP summer work..oops)

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