"I Think You Guys Should Spend The Night..."

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We waited...and waited...but the rain just kept coming down harder and harder.

"I think you guys should spend the night," Niall said, as he looked over at me. I was sitting on the window seat, watching the rain, with a warm mug of tea in my hand. Pyro gave both me and Calvin some of his clothes to wear so at the moment I was wearing one oh his shirts that reached halfway down my thighs.

"We don't want to be a bother, man. You already have done so much" I smiled.

"Don't be fucking stupid East" he rolled his eyes playfully causing Cal to laugh.

"Woooooow, not even going to stand up for your girlfriend"I pouted, causing him to just send me a playful wink in return. 


We all stayed up, playing video games, but at about 2 in the morning I decided to go crash.

"Come on babe, let's go to bed" I said, nudging Calvin a little bit.

"I don't want to" he replied, returning his attention to his game.

I didn't want him to stay up. Not because I was selfish, but because he is getting so close to getting his sleeping schedule back on track that I didn't want him to fuck up his progress. "But-"

"God Easton! I said NO!" he snapped. I saw Niall turn to us, his face in shock, like he didn't expect Cal to hash out. And to be honest, I didn't either. I've done things way worse to him before and he's never snapped at me before. He has never even been mad at me.

I stood up in defeat, slightly embarrassed by what happened. "Night guys...." I said quietly and started heading towards the bedroom that Niall let us crash in. I could hear the guys talking about something back in the living room but I couldn't make out any of the words.

I threw myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe I was being annoying. I mean...I can't be mad at him..,he just, sorta, yelled at me. It's not like he hit me or anything.

I took my phone out, and began scrolling through twitter. I haven't really looked at it that much this trip. I scrolled until a screenshot of a tweet conversation caught my eye. It was between Cal and a fan.

@ whoishere:  @ leafyishere is that all it takes for East to get wet

She was talking about the picture Niall tweeted earlier today.

@ leafyishere: @ whoishere yup, unlike for her, I know how to turn people on ;)

The next message was her just saying that he "totally roasted" me. The other fans didn't have a similar reaction. They all called him a dumbass, and when I went on his account, i saw that his end of the conversation was deleted.

Is this why he snapped at me? Because he knew he fucked up? Or did it have to do with something else that involved me?

I mean for fucks sake, he basically confessed his love towards me today.

I just closed up the app. It's probably just his humor...he was making a joke until he realized it was taken the wrong way. Right....? 

(Oh my fuck guys,

I can't believe how much support this book is getting. 

I literally have people voting within 5 minutes of the upload

Believe it or not, I'm really surprised because this isn't my best work :)

But thank you guys so much.

So now we're getting a little bit off of the "very cute and romantic" relationship which means that slowly we will be getting closer to the end 

I have everything planned out for the final chapter but I have no idea how many more will come before that.

Also the next chapter will be with both of them back home, a little time skip (pls dont hate me) because there isn't a lot happening with Niall anyways. He's just a third wheel.

But again, thanks so much 

Nat xx)

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