"Are You Seriously Going To Cheat On Calvin...?"

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I begged Laila to take me to a party with her, which didn't take long because she's been trying to get me out of the house since I came back. 

We got our guy friends, Logan, Myka and Vic to go along with us.

The party was located in the center of Chicago, in an apartment of a guy Laila goes to college with. 

We all got ready and called an uber since we were all going to get wasted like there was no tomorrow which means we either pay someone to drive us or pay for five funerals...maybe more.  

When we finally arrived, the apartment was flooded with people. The air reaked of sweat, booze, and weed.

"Are you seriously going to cheat on Calvin?" Myka asked me, grabbing my arm before I wandered off too far. 

"What? Of course not! No one ever said anything about cheating. I'm just here to party" I replied, questioining why he would even ask that. Anyone who has ever been friends with me knows that I'm against cheating. I think people who cheat are selfish cowards and there isn't any excuse that will fix it. 

He sighed in relief, letting me go to do my thing. I went straight to the keg and poured myself a beer.

I walked around the place, with my red solo cup in my hand. It was a pretty decent place. I have to give props to whoever lives here for keeping this place so neat as a single teenage guy.

"You must be Easton" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to meet a guy with dark teal hair and a septum piercing.

"Yeah, and you are...?" I asked, giving him a friendly smile. 

"Josh. This is kinda my party" 

"Oh hey. It's so nice to meet you" I took a sip out of my cup. He was attractive, hot even. I'm not going to lie. But in all honesty, he had nothing on Calvin. 

We sat together on the couch. Talking about how his studies were going, how my channel was doing, and then about anything that came to mind. I found out that he was in a relationship with a girl named Jen, who was studying in Australia for a semseter. I also told him about Calvin, and 5 beers and a blunt later, I was splling to him about our relationship troubles. 

"Damn East, I have no idea what to say. But you have the right to be pissed off. I would never do that to a person I love" He said, resting his head on the back of the couch.

"So are you saying that he doesn't love me...?" Tears were staring to brim my eyes. I always get emotional when under the influenence. 

"No, no. I'm just saying that I wouldn't personally do that...I have no idea what kind of person Calvin is, so I can't make that assumption. I'm sure he does love you, I mean you're an awesome girl. If we were both single I would totally make a move"

"Thanks, but I don't think your girlfriend will appriciate you saying that" I giggled. 

"Nah, she's cool. She knows I wouldn't cheat" he smiled.

Jen was lucky. She was lucky to have a guy who cared. She was lucky to be in a situation where her boyfriend doesn't unitentionally make her feel like shit. 

"Let's take a picture. I want my fans to know that i made a new friend" I smiled wide, taking out my phone. We took the picture and I tweeted it.

@ EastonBranwen: sometimes a stranger can turn into a best friend within two hours, and help you get through the harder times :)

I put my phone in my pocket and looked up at him.

 "Wanna dance?" he asked me, but before I could answer he was already dragging me to the dance floor. 

(someone told me that I was their favorite person, and to tell th truth, it kinda made my day

I was quite suprised because I'm  a piece of shit, but it was nice)

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