Chapter 10

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School holidays are over, which everyone complains about while I’m happy to be anywhere but Linda’s house. Today is Friday and it’s the last class of the week. I’m now at school in Religion, which is the biggest bludge. Nobody does anything in this class and right now everyone is on their phones. The teacher is sleeping on her desk so I might as well occupy myself. I grab my phone out of my pocket and go onto Twitter. I see that Harry just tweeted ‘’Christchurch you were amazing last night. Hope you enjoyed the show x.’’ I favourite and retweet it as per normal.

It’s been a week since my encounter with Harry and I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s going to be back in Melbourne in four days and I’m really nervous. What if he doesn’t call me like he said he would? What if he forgot about me? Just as I am about to go deeper into thought my phone buzzes. A massive smile grows on my face as I read my notifications. Harry followed me; I guess he didn’t forget about me. I look up and see my teacher's still in deep sleep.

I post a random tweet saying,

@bethanderson: Stuck in Religion doing nothing. Help me :(

I feel another buzz. Harry favourited my tweet, making me giggle like an idiot. Right then I heard a screech from across the room. I turn my head to see where the ear-piercing scream came from and I see Jenny walking towards me jumping up and down. I had told her about everything that happened and she didn’t believe me.

‘’HARRY JUST FOLLOWED YOU OMG!’’ She screamed, getting the attention of half the class.

‘’I know already! Be quiet will you, everyone’s staring.’’

‘’Oh sorry. Sh, ‘’she says while pressing her finger against her lips.

I roll my eyes. ‘’Do you believe me now?’’

‘’I don’t know! It all seems too good to be true. But he followed you! I don’t know what to believe anymore, my whole life has been a lie!’’

‘’Jen… Your inner drama queen is showing.’’ She shoves me as I continue talking, ‘’he favourited my tweet as well.’’

Jenny’s eyes widen and snatches my phone out of my hands. Her eyes scan over my phone screen and she squeals, ‘’Oh my god! He must actually know you if he favourited such a boring tweet!’’

‘’Hey! It’s not boring, I’m just telling twitter what’s happening,’’ I pout. ‘’Do you believe me now?!’’

‘’YES YES YES I believe you! Which means everything you told me is true, meaning you guys are friends. Wow, this is so cool! My best friend is friends with Harry Styles!!’’

‘’Shhhh! Keep it on the down low. I don’t want people to treat me different because I’m friends with him.’’

‘’Oh yeah I understand. My lips are sealed,’’ she said while pretending to zip up her lips. ‘’So what is he like?’’ She asks eagerly.

‘’Um… He’s very kind and considerate. Not like how you would expect a celebrity to be. He’s down to earth and really funny. He’s such a dork and really fun to be with. When I talk to him I feel like he actually listens and genuinely cares. His smile, his laugh, his dimples are really cute and adds to his perfection. Don’t even get me started on his eyes, they way they stare into mine gives me goosebumps.’’ I start to zone out and speak subconsciously. I realise that just talking about him gives me goosebumps and Jenny noticed.

‘’Looks like someone has a crush!’’ She smiles cheekily.

‘’No! No way. I’m done with boys. We are strictly friends,’’ I say sternly.

‘’Oh really? So nothing happened?’’

My cheeks heated up, ‘’well…’’

‘’Oh my god! Something happened! Tell me now.’’

I leaned in closer and whisper so only she can hear, ‘’he tried to kiss me.’’

Jenny sits up and her eyes look like they were going to pop out her head. ‘’NO WAY!’’

‘’Yes way! And lower your voice.’’

‘’Oops sorry. Why didn’t you guys kiss?’’ She asks quietly.

‘’Because I told him not to,’’ I said casually.

‘’What?! Are you crazy?!’’ She really needs to learn how to whisper properly.

‘’I’m not crazy! I told you Jenny, I’m done with boys, and people in general. You’re lucky I even talk to you,’’ I add teasingly, trying to get out of this serious talk. I’m not good with serious talk.

‘’Then why do you blush every time he’s mentioned? Why do you smile every time you say his name? Why do you get goosebumps when you talk about him?’’

‘’Jesus Jenny I don’t know! All I know is I’m not going to fall for another guy to have my heartbroken again. I don’t think my heart can take it. If I fall for Harry and he doesn’t feel the same way I might die. He’s Harry Styles for god sakes! Why would he like me? Please, can we just drop it?’’

My words hit Jenny like a tsunami and she realises that I’m right. She nods and smiles, ‘’Okay then. I still can’t believe you’re friends with him though.’’

The bell rings, meaning another weekend. Most people are excited, while I groan. Two days of nothing planned, meaning I have to put up staying in that house.

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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