Chapter 37

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“Jenny, over here!” I scream as I spot the light orange hair in the hoard of girls. I watch as Jenny struggles to make her way through the tightly packed bodies, and over to where I am standing next to the box office.

“Beth! Finally! It’s like a stampede out there,” I chuckle as she fixes her unruly hair. “Look at this,” she points to a small red line on her forearm, “some girl with fake nails scratched me on the way here. I must seek medical attention!” She complains.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little melodramatic?” I chuckle at the sassy girl in front of me, “a band-aid will be fine. I think I have some in my bag but it’s in the dressing room so let’s go!”

I grab her by the uninjured arm, and drag us through the masses of teenage girls. The further away we get from the main entrance, the less people there are. But there are still groups of girls scattered all over the place, some even giving me weird looks as they whisper amongst themselves. I ignore them, just as I do for most of the human population, and lead Jenny and myself to the back entrance.

“Beth!” I hear a high-pitched yell from behind me. Jenny and I both turn around at the loud sound of my name, only to see a bunch of overly-excited twelve or thirteen year olds. “Oh my God it is her!” One with blonde hair screams. “I told you it was her!” Another one shrieks. “Could I have a picture with you?” A small brunette girl asks politely and quietly.

“Uh, ok- ye-but-yeah. Sure,” I stutter, not really sure what’s going on. “But why do you want a photo with me?” I ask confusedly while she lifts up her phone, and stretches out her arm in front of us. I usually hate photos, actually I despise them. But what am I supposed to say? No, I won’t take a photo with you? I don’t want to be rude and hurt the little girl’s feelings.

“Because you’re Beth Anderson! You’ve been trending all over Twitter, and I saw your performance and you are a-may-zayn,” she says right before snapping a quick selfie.

What? I’m trending? I haven’t been on Twitter for a while so I am completely and utterly lost. I only performed yesterday, how could I be trending already?

The group of girls surround me, all pleading to capture a photo with me. Even though I’m extremely uncomfortable with the amount of people around me and I hate taking photos, I smile as genuinely as possible and do the same with the rest of the group. Something about inspiring a life brings warmth throughout me and I couldn’t help but lose my usual timid demeanour. Once everyone is satisfied, I say goodbye to the smiling girls. I walk back to Jenny, who is waiting patiently and we continue with our journey.

“Well that was weird,” I mumble, overwhelmed.

“Yeah, it was. They must’ve seen you on the news this morning.”

“WHAT?!” I scream, making Jenny’s whole body jump.

She brings a palm to her chest and continues, “I saw you this morning on Sunrise but forgot to tell you about it. You didn’t know?”

“Does this look like the face of someone who knows?” I point to my undoubtedly shocked expression.

“Not at all,” she giggles, “but don’t worry, they only said good things.”

“That’s a relief,” I breathe.

“No surprise there, you’re incredible.”

“Uhh, thanks,” I mutter, still not accustomed to all these compliments no matter who they come from.

I don’t know how to feel about this. It’s crazy to think that my face was on TV, but I kind of feel a little closer to my dream. All I’ve ever wanted was to perform, have my voice heard and inspire people all over the world. But on the other hand, I feel very exposed. I feel very prone to criticism, and that is something I definitely am not strong enough for.

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