Chapter 20

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Light shines through the blinds and wakes me up. It was cold yesterday and now it’s sunny; mother nature, make up your mind. I get up from the bed and take my earphones out. I walk over to the power board and plug in my iPod to charge. I get ready for school and walk to the bus stop.

I arrive at school and promise myself I won’t think of Harry anymore. He is irrelevant to my life now. I ignore the slight ping in my chest from thinking that and keep walking towards the classroom. I walk down the poorly lit corridors and finally reach my locker. I groan as the group of boys that always congregate in front of my locker are there once again.

‘’Excuse me, you’re blocking my locker,’’ I say irritatingly.

‘’Hey, you’re Beth right?’’ The blonde one says.

‘’Yeah, yeah, yeah. Could you just move?’’ I say nonchalantly while rolling my eyes.

‘’Feisty,’’ he says before coming closing to me and whispering in my ear, ‘’I like them feisty.’’

I push him away from me before I mutter under my breath, ‘’gross.’’

The boys at my school are such perves and I hate it. I glare at the group of boys and they back away immediately. That always works; I have the stare of death. As they all start to walk away the blonde turns back again and says, ‘’see you around Beth.’’

I ignore him and grab the books I needed for class from my dingy locker. I throw my bag onto the bottom of my shelf, take off my blazer and throw it on top. I slam my locker door shut and start walking to my first class.

Hopefully being at school today will keep my mind off Harry, my heart needs a break. Exams are coming up soon and I need to make sure I get good marks. I still have no idea what I’m doing after I graduate, I’m not sure if I’m even going to University. Who am I kidding, I definitely will not be going University; I can’t afford it. However, I will still give my all in these exams. Even though there’s no chance of me going to university – meaning these exams don’t even matter and I could drop out if I wanted to – I still want to try my hardest. I need to prove to myself that I can actually do something. I could drop out but I’m not going to give up. I want to succeed in everything I do to the best of my ability. I need to show myself that I can do this, even though there was really no point.   


School fails on distracting me from Harry since he was pretty much all I could think about. He just won’t leave me alone despite the fact that’s he’s 18 hours away. I’m hoping as time goes by I will eventually stop thinking about him; he’s probably forgotten all about me already.

Why does the thought of that irritate me so much? Pushing people away has always come naturally to me and never affected me; but Harry seemed to find a loophole. I am so lost in my trance that I don’t hear a customer asking for my assistance.

‘’Excuse me Miss? Where are the changing rooms?’’ She asks impatiently.

‘’Oh sorry, it’s just down that aisle and then take a left. You’ll see the changing rooms sign once you get to the end of the aisle,’’ I say with a forced smile.

She walks off without saying thank you. People are so rude these days. I’m having one of my many I-hate-everyone days and I’m getting irritated by everything around me. Target is probably the most depressing place to work. The whole store is poorly lit from fluorescent lights, items are scattered all over the floor and the rude people just add to my annoyance, but I keep a fake work-smile plastered on my face as I place the clothes back onto the racks. Why can’t people just put the clothes back where they found them? It isn’t that hard! There’s no need to chuck every single thing you can get your hands on to the floor. The only way I think I survive this place is the constant music that plays on the speaker throughout the whole store. But there’s one catch, One Direction are played at least 10 times during only one shift and when Harry’s voice comes on it instantly sends the memories from yesterday back.

I try to push the image of him to the back of my mind, where it will eventually return, and I start bopping my head up and down to ‘Royals’ and keep doing my job. I was in the middle of hanging up a pink floral blouse when the music stops abruptly and a fuzzy voice takes over.

‘’Beth Anderson, you are needed at cash register three. Beth Anderson.’’

I groan quietly as I hang up the blouse. I walk to the front of the store where my manager is already waiting.

‘’Beth, I’m going to need you to go on register now. The line is getting too long, so stay on here until you finish. Got it?’’ He instructs.

I nod before he walks away. I hate working the register but I only have about 30 minutes left until my shift finishes. I remove the ‘register closed’ sign before yelling: ‘’Next waiting!’’

I serve customer after customer, each frustrating me more than the previous but I still forcibly smile at each person. My cheeks start to ache from smiling so much but it’s nearly 8:55 and I will be finished in 5 minutes. I call for the next person in line and it’s a teenager – probably around thirteen – and she places her items onto the table.

‘’Hi, how are you?’’ I say almost automatically.

I have been working here for a little over 2 years now and everything has become pretty routine. I ask the customer how they are and they completely ignore me which I don’t mind honestly, human interaction is not my cup of tea. I grab the items the girl left on the table and as I pick up the magazine and flip it over to scan the barcode, my stomach flips. One Direction is on the front cover but all I could focus on was Harry and his beautiful eyes, crooked smile, dimples and curly hair. I’m not going to lie, he is very good-looking. I realise that I have been staring for way too long when the girl clears her throat and snaps me back to reality.

‘’Do you like One Direction too?’’ She asks hopefully.

‘’Um yeah I guess so, I love their music,’’ I say casually.

Her eyes widen as if she has found long-lost family member and her face lights up.

‘’Oh my gosh, I love everything about them. They’re so perfect in every way possible and I just love them like jelly tots,’’ she rambles on and on.

I laugh it off, desperate to end this conversation. I scan the magazine and the One Direction t-shirt and place it into the plastic bag.

‘’That’s 27.95,’’ I say before she hands me a 20 and 10 dollar note. I hand her 2 dollars and 5 cents change before handing her the plastic bag. ‘’Have a good night,’’ I say before she walks off.

So much for forgetting about Harry. How can I forget about him is he’s absolutely everywhere? On the speakers, magazines, clothing, and most importantly on my mind. It’s as if he has been stuck onto the back of my eyelids because every time I close my eyes he’s all I can see. 

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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