Chapter 8

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I watch as Harry strides towards the door and opens it. A man in his mid-thirties wearing a uniform is waiting at the door with a cart full of food. His gaze moves to behind Harry and his eyes glance my way. Harry clears his throat and instructs, ''just leave it on the table,'' while gesturing to the marble table in the centre of the dining room. The man pushes the cart towards the table and smiles as he passes me. He places all the heavenly food onto the table and leaves after Harry gives him a tip.

Harry closes the door and walks towards me. ‘’Well Miss. Elizabeth, your food awaits you,’’ he says in a fake posh accent while gesturing to the dining table.

‘’Thank you good sir,’’ I say in the same playful manner.

We both laugh as we sit down and get ready to eat. The breakfast looks and smells just as good as I remember, this breakfast being the only good memory I have of this place. We both dig in and I savour every bite. This is my first proper meal I’ve had in a long time and it really satisfies. There is egg, bacon, hash browns, sausages, pancakes, toast and numerous different spreads all over the table. I could see Harry look at me in shock while I continue to eat. What can I say? I love my food.

‘’So Beth, did you want to continue our game from last night?’’ He asks as I nod.

‘’Are you really a flirt? Or is it all just a rumour?’’ I ask playfully, even though I really wanted to know.

‘’Some of it is true, just the small stuff. I’ve had one night stands, nothing serious. But some of it are rumours that management make up,’’ he sighs.

‘’Wow, they do that? That’s so low,’’ ignoring the jabbing feeling in my chest when I find out he has been with multiple girls.

‘’True, but I did sign a contract meaning I have to agree. They do it for publicity but I end up looking like a jerk,’’ he lets out a breath and looks a little hurt.

‘’I don’t think you’re a jerk, well now that I know the real you I don’t,’’ I smile at him, as he returns it back.

‘’Thank you. Okay my turn. Uh… Have you ever had a boyfriend?’’ He asks nervously.

‘’Nope,’’ I say popping the ‘p’ and Harry looks surprised. I am kind of embarrassed that I have such a lack of experience in that field so I quickly ask another question. ‘’What’s the best and worst thing about being famous?’’

‘’The best thing would have to be performing and making fans happy and the worst thing is, without a doubt, the lack of privacy.’’

‘’Wow. I don’t know how you do it. Perform in front of thousands? I would probably pee my pants right on the stage if I were ever in your position.’’

He chuckles at my colourful description, ‘’I always get really nervous before a show but once I get up there all the nerves go away. Performing feels amazing and I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.’’

‘’Wow, that sounds like a dream come true,’’ I say subconsciously.

‘’What do you mean?’’ He says looking confused.

‘’Is that your question?’’ I ask as he nods.

I answer hesitantly, ‘’I’ve never told anyone this but ever since I was small I wanted to be a singer. But I let go of that dream.’’

‘’Why?’’ Harry asks disappointedly.

‘’Hey, not too fast! It’s my turn. What do you want to do in the future, after your singing career?’’

‘’I want to get married, have kids and travel the world with my family,’’ he responds immediately, as if he’s already given this some thought. ‘’Why did you give up on your dream?’’ He asks again.

I sigh, ‘’because I grew up and realised how unrealistic that was.  I’m not good enough,’’ I smile weakly.

Harry’s eyebrows furrows, ‘’you have to believe in yourself, I’m sure you’re great. Go lay some notes for me right now!’’ He leans in intently, ready to hear me sing but I can’t. What if I’m terrible?

‘’Well.. Um.. I don’t know if I can sing. No one’s ever heard me before.’’

‘’Then now’s a perfect time to start!’’ He grabs my hand and brings me over to the couch before I can oppose. ‘’Okay I’m all ears. Go.’’

‘’H-Harry it’s not that easy for me…’’ I say as my voice cracks. He notices my anxiety and places his hand on top of mine and the under his touch my skin burns up.

‘’If you’re not confident yet then I can wait, as long as you promise me that one day I will hear that beautiful voice of yours.’’

I stare into his hypnotising eyes and can’t help but agree. I nod my head and smile, ‘’I promise,’’ not knowing if I could keep that promise.

He smiles sweetly at me and then stares at my lips. He leans in closer, our faces centimetres apart, as I back away. What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me? This kid is really pushing my boundaries.

‘’Harry don’t,’’ I say while lifting my palm up to create a physical barrier.

He backs away, increasing the distance between us. ‘’I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got into me,’’ he said while scratching the back of his neck.

‘’It’s alr—,‘’ the doorbell suddenly rings. Harry smiles at me before walking down the hall way, out of my sight, leaving me on the couch. I am kind of relieved. Was he really going to kiss me? Thank god nothing happened. I didn’t want to waste my first kiss on a guy who is leaving soon. Knowing me, I probably would think about him all day and I really don’t need to be worrying about boys anymore. I’ve had enough of them, I’ve had enough of people in general; I just need to focus on myself. The doorbell continues ringing.

‘’Alright, alright I’m coming!’’ He yells, clearly agitated.

I hear Harry open the door. I listen closely and I hear multiple voices but can’t make out any words as they were all talking on top of each other. The voices were coming closer as I see five figures walk into the living room. Oh. My. God.

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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