Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

I feel so stupid. She doesn't even want to be friends, while I want to be more than that. During my time away from Melbourne, all I could think about was her. Her face clouds my mind and her voice haunts me. We've only spent two days together, well three now, but she left me so intrigued. She's so out of the ordinary, and she's like a crossword that I want to figure out. Everything about her captivates me, her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her voice; the list could go on forever. I have never felt this way about a girl before and it confuses me. How did she do it? I feel that we have a real connection, something that can't be broken. We crossed paths for a reason, and until I found out that reason I won't let her go.

''Harry! There you are! We're going now, everyone's waiting for you.''

''I'll be out in a minute,'' I sigh.

Liam comes closer and sits down beside me.

''Want to talk about it?'' I nod and explain my dilemma. Who needs a therapist when you have Liam Payne?

''It's Beth. Just when I thought we were getting somewhere she suddenly says she doesn't want to be friends? I don't get it,'' I confess while running my hands through my hair.

''That does seem quite peculiar, but she must have a reason.''

''And I'm going to find out that reasons,'' I said with determination in my voice.

''Don't you think you should respect her decision? She clearly said she doesn't want to be friends and she seemed kind of shook up before.''


''Oh... Um... N-nothing,'' Liam stutters.

''Liam, tell me what you know,'' I say while gnashing my teeth.

''I don't know anything,'' he lies. Really Liam? I've known you for 3 years, you can't fool me.

''Liam, I swear to God if you don't tell me I will - ''

''Relax lad! I don't know why you're making such a big deal over one girl. You have plenty of girls who want to be with you, why chase the one girl who doesn't.''

He's right. There are millions of girls who would kill to be with me - I'm not going to pretend I don't know that - but I'm chasing after someone who wants nothing to do with me. This feeling of rejection is so odd, usually girls throw themselves at me, and I never needed to try. Why is she so difficult? Everything about her is such a mystery and she keeps surprising me. When I first met her in the arena she looked so broken and weak. She was just sitting in the empty arena, crying and screaming. But then when we met the second time that day she was stubborn and determined to quickly leave my hotel room; something that I'm not used to. Then after she had that nightmare she looked so tormented and fragile and all I want to do is protect her.

''She not just one girl. She's different Liam, I can't let her just walk away.''

He arches his eyebrow, ''Where's Harry and what did you do with him?''

I chuckle. It's true; this isn't like me at all.

''Did you see her?'' He nods, ''what did she say?''

''Harry if you plan on hurting her then I suggest you let her be,'' he says seriously.

''Why would you assume I would hurt her?'' I say angrily.

''Because I know you Harry, and I don't want you to do what you've done to so many other girls to Beth. She seems like a nice girl, don't toy with her.''

I can't say that I'm not offended that he would think that, but I guess I can't blame him. I do have a history with women but this is nothing like that. The connection we have is nothing compared to what I've ever experienced before and I couldn't just throw that away.

''That's not what I'm doing Liam. I promise I won't hurt her. Now tell me what she said.''

He sighs in defeat, ''she didn't say much because she said she wasn't used to talking about her feelings. When I ran into her I could tell that she was crying and she seemed very confused. All she said was that she had reasons for doing that and nothing could change what happened in her past? I'm not really sure what she meant by that. She also said she didn't know if it right thing to do but it was easier and safer.''

Her past? Safer?

''What the hell is that supposed to m - ''

A large voice booms throughout the room, ''GET YOUR ASSES OUT TO THE VAN NOW!''

Paul barges in and looks like he was about to kill us. Me and Liam bolt out of the room before he chops our balls off.

We have to leave for Brisbane now and even though I will be back in Melbourne in 10 days, but I want so badly to stay here and run after Beth. We hardly get to spend any time together and maybe that's why she didn't want to be friends. Is that what she meant about me leaving?

Beth's POV

I finally get home and rush towards the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush, load up the toothpaste and start cleaning my mouth ferociously. I need to get the taste off his lips off mine, maybe it would it would help me stop thinking about that kiss over and over again. I rinse out my mouth but I can still feel the way his lips felt, so I grab the floss and continue to clean my mouth. I can still feel it, I can still feel the tingle and I desperately want to get rid of it. I grab the mouth wash, my last resort, and rinse my mouth out. It doesn't work. Harry lips are imprinted onto mine and nothing can take it away. Maybe I should boil my lips; sounds awfully painful though.

I thought that once walked out my Harry's life he would leave mine, but I was wrong. Even though he's not with my physically, he's still with me. I can't get him off my mind, no matter how hard I tried. On the train ride here I put in my earphones, expecting to get lost in the tune but my mind drowns in those beautiful emerald eyes. I thought that if I escaped from him, all the confusion would go away but I don't see that happening in the near future. Every little thing he does stays on my mind; the way he would hug me, the way he takes me hand, that crooked smile of his, the sweet things he said to me. I wish I could forget about him, but it's mentally impossible. He's stuck on me like a splinter on my brain.

Get out of my head you curly-headed dork! You are not wanted here.

I lie down on my bed and stare at the cracked ceiling. It's all over now, I finally said goodbye to him and now I will never see him again. Ouch, why did saying that make me feel like someone punched me in the chest?

I ignore the heartache, grab my phone and open the Twitter app. I have gained a couple followers, since Harry followed me, and that's annoys me because I actually use Twitter to release my thoughts.

@bethanderson: All good things come to an end.

I place my phone underneath my pillow - yes I sleep with my phone - and grab my iPod and pop my earphones in. Before I could even choose a song, I feel my phone vibrate underneath my head. I pull out my phone and see I have a Twitter notification.

@Harry_Styles: ''@bethanderson: All good things come to an end.'' No they don't, they don't have to.

What is that supposed to mean?

''Argh!'' I groan out loud.

Not only does he invade my mind, but now he invades my Twitter. My phone keeps vibrating ferciously from all the favourites and retweets and it's giving me a pounding headache. I turn off my notifications, put my phone back to its place and try to forget about him. I put my iPod on shuffle and of course it's a One Direction song, what are the odds.

I want to change the song, believe me I do, but their music really does calm me and I need to get rid of my headache and get some sleep. The second it starts playing I already feel calmer, and my eyelids feel heavier. After the second verse of 'Little Things' my eyelids close shut, but my mind does not.

The events from today haunt me in my slumber. I was so sure that saying goodbye to him was the right thing to do, so why does it sting so much?

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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