Chapter 16

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I reach the arena and look for security among the sea of girls. I scan across the crowd and see a built man wearing a shirt that says security on it and I walk towards him. I softly tap on his shoulder and he turns around to face me. He looks scary as hell.

‘’H-hi. I’m Beth Anderson.’’

His features soften from an ‘I’ll kill you’ look to ‘I’ll spare your life just this once’. ‘’Hello, we’ve been expecting you. I’ll show you the way,’’

He walks in front of me and I have to speed walk to just keep up with him. Damn my shortness. He leads me through different walkways and allies and it feels like we’re in a maze. He stops and waits for me to reach him.

‘’That’s the backstage door,’’ he points to a door that has a big man guarding it.

‘’Thank you,’’ I say before the security guard walks away.

I walk towards the intimidating man and try to say confidently, ‘’Hi, I’m Beth Anderson.’’

‘’I’m Paul,’’ he sends a sweet smile and suddenly doesn’t seem so scary anymore. He reaches out to give me a bone crushing hand shake and I take back what I just said. ‘’Follow me, they will be starting soon.’’

He opens the backstage door and we walk through the hallway taking left, right, right, left, right, left, I don’t even know anymore. I have the worst sense of direction; I don’t even know my left and rights, seriously. We walk closer and I hear chatter and laughter. We walk into a room and see chaos. There’s food, clothes, guitars, shoes, drumsticks, water bottles, towels everywhere. I keep scanning the room and my eyes meet those beautiful emerald eyes. His stare never breaks away from my eyes as he walks towards me.

‘’Hey Beth! I’m so glad you came!’’ Harry says while walking towards me. He hugs me and I try to fight back the urge to bury my head into her chest. This may be the last time we will ever hug which kind of relieves me. I don’t think my heart can take this anymore.

‘’Hey Harry, how are you?’’ I ask casually as I pull back from his warm embrace.

‘’Better now,’’ he winks.

I can’t help but blush. He’s so darn cute and he’s making this 10 times harder. I keep reminding myself, he’s leaving; don’t let him get to you. I move my focus quickly from Harry to the rest of the boys in the room. This is going to be dreadful since I’m the most socially awkward and shy person ever.

‘’Hey, it’s great to see you again,’’ the Irish one says.

‘’Yeah, you too.’’ I smile.

‘’Beth right?’’

‘’Yep,’’ I say popping the ‘p’.

‘’This one here had been talking about you non-stop,’’ he motions to the curly-haired boy. ‘’You should’ve seen how happy he was when you said you were coming.’’

I look over at the blushing boy and can’t help but blush myself. Harry always brings this side out of me, the side that actually shows genuine feelings. What does this mean? Does it mean that I…? No, I can’t! I won’t let myself feel that way. I try and quickly change the subject.

‘’I like your accent,’’ is that the best you could come up with Beth, really?

‘’I don’t have an accent! You’re the one with the accent in this room,’’ the blonde boy says cheekily.

‘’True but you’re in Australia now, so technically you’re the one with the accent,’’ I say patriotically while the rest of the boys laugh.

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