Chapter 17

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I watch the TV as the boys go off the stage. Harry will come back into the dressing room any minute now and I'm getting more anxious by the second.

I hear screams and laughter coming closer and I prepare myself, meaning my walls go up. They all barge in with grins on their faces and jump onto me.

''Get off me! You're all sweaty!''

After kicking and screaming, they finally get off me still grinning like idiots. They all go into their own conversations talking about all the highlights of the show.

''Did you still need to talk?'' A beautiful voice from behind me says. I turn around and face the brown-haired boy. His eyes captivate me and stare into my soul. A feel the bricks of my wall start to crumble, solely because of his intense stare. I need to do this now.

''Yes, can we go somewhere private?'' He nods and grabs my hand. The way his touch sends shivers through my body confuses me and makes this incredibly harder. He leads me to an empty room. I motion to the couch and we both sit down. He is still holding my hand and I take a deep breath. It's now or never.

''Beth, what's wrong?''

''Harry...'' I sigh, this is so hard, but it's the right thing to do. ''I don't think... You and I... We-we can't be friends anymore.''

His eyes widen and I can see hurt, confusion and shock in them.

''What? What do you mean we can't be friends? Did I do something wrong?''

''No Harry, it's not anything you did. Don't you see it? This friendship was never going to last anyways. We live in different worlds and I mean that in so many different ways. You're an international pop-star, I'm just a normal school girl. You live in England and I live in Australia. How would this friendship work once you leave Melbourne for good? How were we going to stay friends if we're 10507 miles away from each other? This was inevitable Harry, we can't be friends.'' I mean everything I said, although I'm not telling him the whole truth.

''What do you mean this friendship wasn't going to last? We're going fine!"

''That's because you're here now," I say sternly.

"Why are you so willing on pushing me away?'' He says while looking at me through his curls.

"Once you leave this friendship won't even exist!'' I say throwing my hands into the air, releasing Harry's grip my hand.

''Why are you so sure I will leave?'' He says quietly.

'''Because everyone does. They always leave.''

''But they will come back.''

''Will they Harry? Will they come back? No! No they won't. Not everyone can come back. They just leave without a warning and it hurts. It hurts so much!'' I am breathing rapidly and I continue with my rant. ''That's why we can't be friends Harry, because you will leave and I would rather you leave my life now rather than later when it's too late!'' His eyes widen as the words leave my mouth.

I put my hands of my mouth when I realise what I just said. I regret it immediately. Build your walls back up Beth, before he sees more.

''When what's too late?'' His voice huskier than normal.

''Nothing,'' I mumble.

His fingers lift my chin up so I will look into his eyes. I close my eyes, too scared that once I look into his hypnotising eyes my walls will fall again.

''Look at me Beth,'' I open my eyes and look into his. ''You're hiding something from me.''

''What? How would you know?'' How does he know that I have my walls up? How can he read me so easily?

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