Chapter 43

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My eyes take in the surroundings from the top level of the Eureka tower, the tallest building in Melbourne. After I bought my shoes, we went to the nearest Salvation Army store. Harry rolled his eyes when I said I refused to throw out a good, and most likely expensive, pair of shoes that someone else could make use of. I dropped the heels into the donation bin and we made our way here. Harry made an effort to make sure we got the highest level possible although I really didn’t mind which level we got. We got into the elevator, hopped off at level 88 and stepped into the glass room. Once we got in, the whole room moved outwards giving us the perfect view of the whole Melbourne skyline.

When I look down to the glass floor and it feels as if I am floating in thin air with cars and people underneath me, the size of ants. I peer into the distance where I can see the beach, and the sun lighting the width of the sky. The view is absolutely breathtaking and I gasp when I see a flock of seagulls fly right by our window.

I remember when it was my birthday, and I had really wanted to come here. But dad seemed to have different plans and instead brought us to the hotel, using my birthday as another measly excuse to gamble.

I shake my head to rid the memories that I can already feel slowly rip me apart inside and remind myself I should be having a good time with Harry, not recollect my dark past.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”  I ask turning to face Harry, only to find him already looking at me.

“Huh? What? Uh yeah, beautiful?” He stumbles with his words.

“You’re supposed to be enjoying the view, not looking at me. Creeper,” I joke, shaking my head.

“I can’t help it, you’re so interesting,” he admits shamelessly.

I raise an eyebrow. “How so?”

“You’re so… I don’t know. You change so quickly. One second you’ll be smiling, the next you’ll look like you found a dead puppy but then quickly smile again. You’re just very fascinating.”

“And you are very observant,” I chuckle, nervous at the way he can read me so easily. “But seriously! Look at the view,” I point to the mountains, in the distance, successfully changing the subject.

“Wow, it is beautiful,” he breathes after taking, I assume, his first glance out the window.

“You’re so slow,” I tease.

“Slow and steady wins the race,” he says, purposely dragging out each word.

“Okay, you keep telling yourself that buddy,” I taunt.

“I will,” he grins cheekily and I giggle.

“You can take your disguise off now,” I say, since it is just me and Harry now.

“Oh, right.”

Harry pulls off the hoodie, revealing his bouncy curls before resting his sunglasses on top of his head, pushing the hair off his forehead. My breath gets caught in my throat when I finally see his eyes again, easily enchanting me at the way his eyes gleam with brightness and the sun highlighting his features faultlessly.

I clear my throat and practically have to force myself to stop staring. I turn back and look out the window; hiding the blush on my face by the way Harry’s eyes seemed to bore into mine.

“So,” I break the silence, "two more shows and then it’s all over. You excited?”

A smile grows on his face at my question. “Hell yeah! Tokyo’s gonna be wicked!”

“Tokyo’s beautiful,” I smile.

“You’ve been there?”

“Well technically, no. But I’ve seen pictures and stuff," same thing, theoretically. "Looks amazing.”

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