Chapter 38

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Jenny and I have just finished studying for Maths, after three hours of cramming and calculations. We then drifted to our current position on the couch, facing each other while a bowl of Maltesers separates us.

“So, how was the date?” Detective Jenny questions.

I smile at the memory of earlier today, which is rare because it’s not normal for me to smile at a memory. “It was great.”

Even though the date was amazing, it was what happened afterwards that made it incredible. I never thought pouring out my feelings would ever be a good thing, but with Harry it made me feel free. And it also brought us closer.

“That’s good to hear, you guys are cute together,” she smiles genuinely.

“We’re not together,” I say sternly.

“Oh,” she frowns, “well Harry better hurry up and ask!”

“Actually he already did, a couple times actually.”

“WHAT?! And you said no?!” She asks and I nod. “Are you crazy?” Her eyes widen and look at me as if I was a lunatic.

“No, I’m not crazy. I’m reasonable. We don’t know each other that well yet,” I explain.

“You’ve known him for a month, that’s a long time to get to know someone.”

“No it isn’t! Not enough time to put my heart on my sleeve like that,” I reason.

“I guess so? Have you guys kissed?”

“Um…Yeah,” I say hesitantly, but can’t help but smile. I can still feel the tingle of his lips on mine.

“What was it like?” She leans in closer, curious.

“It was… nice,” I say before reaching for a Malteser and chucking it in into my mouth.

“Details,” she simply says.

“These Maltesers really hit the spot,” I say to divert to conversation to another subject.

“Enough of the sugar Beth. Remember what happened after you had two sticks of fairy floss at the school fair last year? Or need I remind you?” She taunts.

“I thought we agreed to never talk about that again,” I narrow my eyes at her.

“Look Jenny, I’m a fairy! I can fly, watch me!” She mocks me, while flapping her arms around as if she had wings.

I bury my face in my hands at the embarrassing memory. I don’t handle sugar well and go a little weird if I consume too much of it.

“Sh!” I press a finger to my lips. “Please, that was so embarrassing,” I pout. At least we’re not talking about me and Harry anymore.

We continue to converse about random things, Jenny doing most of the talking as I sit and listen. I listen as Jenny explains what she is planning to do next year. She’s going to do a beauty course at TAFE, no surprise there. She has always had a knack for making sure she looks picture perfect and every strand of her hair is in the right place. Even right now, her hair is in perfect curls, cascading down to just below her collarbones and her fringe framing her flawless face.

After a while, we hear laughs and blaring screams come from down the corridor, getting closer and closer. A cluster of sweating boys burst through the door, all jumping around energetically with never-ending smiles etched on their faces. I notice that they are all covered in what I assume is cream.

“132 shows down!  2 to go!” Niall exclaims proudly.

“That was definitely the craziest one yet!” Louis yells.

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