Chapter 13

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Harry’s POV

How can she say that she’s not good enough after what I just witnessed? Her voice is hauntingly beautiful and she doesn’t see it. Every note sounded angelic and vibrated through my whole body. Every word was sung out so smoothly and effortlessly. She had so much power and emotion, yet so much control. She has a voice more valuable then gold which soothed my soul, made me smile, melted my heart and literally brought me to tears.  She sung straight from her soul, grabbed a hold of mine and drew me in. She sings from the heart and with raw emotion and passion in her voice; something that is very rare to find in music nowadays. She sang as if she had a story to tell and that sent shivers down my spine. It’s crazy that someone who has never performed for anyone before and has never had any singing lessons gave me goosebumps and mesmerised me. 

This girl, this beautiful girl right in front of me, doesn’t believe she’s good enough. Why would she think that? That’s absolutely nuts. The way that she’s looking at the ground right now assures me that she believed every word she said.

‘’Beth, look at me,’’ I say with her hands still wrapped in mine.

I know that we agreed to just be friends, but I can’t help but want more than that. Before this I respected her decision to just be friends and I was going to restrain myself. Although after that hug, that amazing hug, I couldn’t accept that we were just friends. The way her touch makes me feel proves that this is much more than friendship. She totally shut me down when I tried to make a move on her and sometimes she flinches when I even try to touch her shoudler which hurts and confuses me more than a girl normally would. She only wants to be friends and the thought saddens me.

I lift up her head weakly and her brown eyes finally look into mine.

‘’Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.  I know music. I know vocals. I know raw talent. You, Beth, deserve recognition. You’re voice is absolutely amazing. You have such raw passion and it really does shine when you were singing just before. All I know is... I can’t wait to attend your first concert.’’

She looks at me with those dark brown eyes of hers and then shakes her head. She stares at me once more and her eyes seem to have changed almost black and make it hard to distinguish her emotions. She pulls away from my hands and her soft demeanour disappeared. Normally girls react when I get closer to them. I can see and read them very easily when, but Beth is different. Her dark eyes make it difficult to find her thoughts, but I know there’s something else there, I know there’s something else behind that look. And for some reason, I want to see her scars; I want to know why she has built these walls around her and what she's hiding. I find her so intriguing and now that I have heard the emotion behind her voice when she sings lures me to her even more. I feel she’s the kind of girl that will take you a long time to get to know, the kind of girl who doesn’t let people see her real self so no one can hurt her. I grow more curious every time I see her cringe at a touchy subject and I want to know why. I don’t care how long it takes, I will find out and I will protect her. I find myself feeling protective over a girl that I barely know and I’m not sure if it’s because I see fragility in her eyes, or there’s something else.

‘’Look I already told you, that’s not my dream anymore. I don’t want people to hear me sing so just drop it,’’ she says harshly.

I nodded slightly – surprised and her harsh tone – but I know I’m lying. I know that she wants this, and I can tell by the way she sings. The way it felt like she was singing and staring out to an audience, because that’s her dream. The way she expresses such raw passion really does shine through when she sings. What was stopping her from chasing her dream? I’ve never seen her stubborn before and I can tell from her glossy eyes that there is much more to this. There’s a reason to why she won’t follow her dreams and I’m going to find out. There’s something about her that is so intriguing and mysterious and I can’t help but be curious.

She walks over to the front of the stage and sits down with her feet dangling off the edge. I follow her and sit beside her, but once I sit down she scoots away as if she was afraid of me. We sit down and in silence as she stares out to the empty seats.

‘’How did you find me?’’ She questions.

‘’You told me the name of your school and I used this magical thing called internet and GPS,’’ I say sarcastically.

She giggles which makes my heart warm to see her smile again.

‘’I meant, how did you know I was in here? I could’ve been in class.’’

‘’I actually didn’t know. I was just walking around trying to find an office of some sort and I heard someone singing, so I walked towards the angelic voice. I had no idea it was going to be you.’’

‘’Oh,’’ she says while looking at her lap. She’s so shy and I find that so adorable.

‘’I actually didn’t notice it was you at first in that uniform,’’ I say while looking at her attire. She was wearing a grey chequered dress that reaches mid thigh, a dark navy blazer and black school shoes with white socks. She made the uniform look as if it belonged in a designer storel; yes she was that gorgeous.

‘’Tell me about it, I hate this uniform,’’ she cringes.

‘’Why? I think you look cute in it,’’ I say honestly

She pretends as if she vomits and I chuckle. ‘’I just hate dresses. I asked the principal if I could wear the boy’s uniform and he said no. How unreasonable,’’ she says seriously.

I burst out laughing and she joins me. Our laughs echo through the empty space. ‘’You are so different to any other girl I’ve met Beth,’’ I say once the laughter fades. ‘’I mean that in the best way possible.’’

She stares at me, her stare alone giving me shivers down my spine, and shifts her body to face me. She shoots the most beautiful smile to me but quickly glances back at the floor.

She lifts her head slowly as she looks at the sunglasses in my hand and chuckles. ‘’Why do you have sunglasses when it’s not even sunny outside?’’ She says while gesturing to my hand.

‘’What? Don’t laugh at me, this is my disguise!’’ I say proudly while putting them on.

‘’Oh yeah, sometimes I forget you’re famous.’’ I love that she thinks of me of a normal person, it’s refreshing. ‘’It’s a pretty lousy disguise, I could tell it’s you from a mile away.’’

I put my hand to my chest and pretend as if someone shot me. ‘’Are you ready to go or are you going to keep bullying me?’’

‘’I still have classes but I might as well just leave since there’s only 5 minutes till the bell rings. But we have to go right now so no one sees you,’’ she informs.

‘’Let’s go then,’’ I say while standing up. I stretch my hand out to her to help her up. She looks at my palm for a second indecisively before looking away and getting up herself. I pretend that didn’t hurt me as much as it really did, and we walked off the stage and out the auditorium.

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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