Chapter 40

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Harry and I walk into the crowded club that has the words ‘Naked Satan’ hung at the entrance. How very welcoming. As we walk through the congested vicinity, I take in the dark surroundings. There is a massive dance floor, with lights flashing in all angles.  Smack bang in the centre of the dance floor that is occupied by sweating and grinding bodies, there is a bar. The bartenders behind the counter are all women, and they are all wearing a bedazzled bra and shorts that could technically be considered panties. They must’ve lost all their clothes when they lost their brains.

We all walk upstairs to the floor above that overlooks the chaos on the dance floor. Everyone places themselves into the private C-shaped booth, padded with red leather cushions. I end up sitting between Jenny and Harry. Opposite me, Liam shoots me a warm smile as everyone makes themselves comfortable, although I can’t say the same for myself. Being cramped in a small booth with seven other people has never been on my list of fun things to do, but here I am.

Everyone begins chatting, while I try to camouflage into the darkness and sink into the crevices of the chair. I immerse myself into the music. Usually I love all music, but the music that is vibrating the whole building is the only exception. I hate the sort of music that is repetitive, has no melody and no lyrics because they have no meaning. But the bass of the music takes over and I find myself tapping my foot to the beat.

“Do you want a drink?” Harry whispers into my ear, his breath trickling down my neck and making a shiver travel down my spine.

“No,” I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

“Alright, suit yourself,” he gets up from his seat. “Anyone want a drink?” He asks the rest of the table.

Jenny, Louis, Niall and Zayn all nod a yes and scream to Harry over the music what beverage they would like. He nods before looking over to me.

“Can you help me carry the drinks?” He yells but it’s barely audible.

I nod, knowing it would be a waste of energy to scream yes because he probably wouldn’t even hear me. I slide out of the booth to Harry and we walk side by side down to the bar in the middle of the dance floor. Oh joy. 

“Are you having fun?” He questions.

I put two thumbs up and display the cheesiest smile on my face, making sure to look as exaggerated as possible. Harry laugh is heard clearly over the music, making me smile genuinely. His smile is enough to light up the whole building.

As we were about to enter the dance floor, Harry grabs my hand and I hold on, scared that if I let go I would get lost in the sea of swaying bodies. Harry leads the way to the bar as I squeeze my way through the mass, occasionally being bumped into by ignorant drunks.

Safely, we reach the sleek looking bar and I sit on the stool as Harry orders the drink. The practically naked bartender ogles at Harry and I can’t help but feel a little jealous. She’s a beautiful blonde, skinny waist, scarily perfectly-shaped boobs and gorgeous blue eyes. She shoots him a winning smile before turning around and mixing the drinks, showing off her massive ass that looks like somebody took two heads and stuck them together. Harry quickly turns to me, not giving another glance at the bartender and I feel relief. He places himself on the stool beside me, our knees touching. After a few minutes she places all five drinks in front of us. He takes a quick sip of his drink and offers me some but I shake my head.

“Have you ever drunken before?”

“No, and I don’t plan to,” I yell over the music.

“Why not? It’s fun,” he grins.

Alcohol is nothing but fun. It can make people turn into monsters. Violent, unforgiving monsters.

I shake my head, refusing to be pressured and he nods in understanding. In one swift movement, he downs his drink and I see him Adam’s apple move down, and back up again. He picks up two drinks, and motions for me to grab the other two. We walk back up the stairs and I have to be extra cautious to not trip while wearing these ridiculous shoes while also balancing the drinks in my hands. As we walk back to the booth, I have a feeling of emptiness. With Harry hands occupied he can’t have an arm around my shoulder or snaked around my waist and I’m surprised that I actually desire the feeling now. We reach our booth and I place the drinks down onto the table.

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