Chapter 24

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After pulling myself together I reach for my phone and take a deep breath before pressing on Harry's name. I'm really doing this. I'm not ready for this, but I'll try my hardest for you mum.

Harry picks up after 3 rings and his British voice is music to my ears.

"Hey Beth, have you made up your mind?"

This is it, I'm actually going to do the thing I've been so afraid of my whole life.

"Yes I have and I'll do it," I say shakily.

"Really?! Thank God! Okay well it's four fifty now and you just need to be here by six o'clock so you can do a last minute sound check then. You will have to sing 5 songs so just text me the name and artist of the song, in the order you want to perform them, and I'll get the music director to get the backing track."

This is a lot to take in. "Okay so six o'clock and 5 songs," I say to summarise.

"Yeah pretty much, that's the general idea," he chuckles. The sound of his laugh brings a massive smile to my face.

"Okay then, do I just meet Paul at the back entrance again?"

"Yeah, just like last time. Oh and Beth?"

"Yes Harry?" I question.

"Thank you so much for doing this. I know this is hard for you and I really appreciate it," he says sincerely.

"No worries Curly," I giggle. "Are the 5SOS boys feeling any better?"

"Not at all. They said they ate bad Mexican food yesterday and now they're all at their hotel throwing up non-stop."

"I hope they get better soon! Are they okay with me replacing them?" I ask worriedly. I didn't want them to be angry at me for taking their place.

"Are you kidding me? They kept saying sorry for not being able to make it and they feel terrible. They want us to find someone to fill in for them."

"That's a relief. Do you think it would be okay if I brought my friend?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah that's perfectly fine."

"Cool beans," did I really just say cool beans? Oh God. "Anyways I have to go now then if I want to make it in time. I'll see you soon Harry."

"See you soon love," he says before I hang up. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks when I hear him call me that. I hate myself for being so affected by him.

Usually it would take me only 30 minutes to get to the city but since I'm at the cemetery the extra distance adds on another 20 minutes. I get up and brush the soil off my clothes.

"Bye mum, I'll visit again soon. Enjoy your special day wherever you are, I love you."

Harry's POV

The thought of seeing Beth again sends me over the moon. Just hearing her beautiful, soft voice makes me happy. We just finished sound check and I'm waiting for all the girls to leave before walking over to the centre of the arena, where Rob is standing and checking over the tonight's program.

"Hey Rob, I found someone who can fill in for the opening act."

He let out a sigh of relief, "Finally! Who is it?"

"Beth Anderson," I can't help but smile when I say her name. What has she done to me?

Rob furrows his eyebrows. "I've never heard of her before. Who is she signed with?"

"No one actually. She's my... friend?" I'm unsure of where my relationship stands with her. She told me she didn't want to be friends, yet she agrees to do this knowing I would be here. She's so moody.

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