Chapter 45

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(A/N I've started school again so I'm sorry in advance if I can't update every week! I try to write as much as I can but there's only so much I can do when I have loads of homework for each subject, hope you guys understand. Hope you enjoy this chapter x)

Harry's POV

I stare in admiration as Beth shyly walks towards the set up consisting of drums, guitars, microphones and amps. She strides unwillingly with the soles of her shoes dragging on the ground. I really don't understand how someone can be so unbelievingly talented, yet so modest and grounded at the same time. Maybe too modest. With her level of talent she could take over the world, but of course she's too humble to see this.

She starts talking to the drummer, most likely discussing what song to sing, but I can't help but ball my hand into a fist. My shoulders relax when she starts making her way towards the centre, away from the guy and I stifle a laugh when she fumbles clumsily over a cord, only to have her send a death glare my way. A look of apprehension quickly takes over her beautiful features, and as she lifts her hands to the microphone I see them slightly tremble. Her jaw starts to shake, and she retreats her hands back down to her sides and turns around, her back now facing the very small audience. I see her mouth moving, probably giving herself a pep talk.

I can't get over how strong she is. Even though she doesn't believe it. She pushes herself to the limit, even when she is out of her comfort zome like right now. And even though she has told me what she has been through, I know there is so much more. And I'm hoping one day she will trust me enough give all of herself to me.

When she turns back around I lift my hands up to send her two thumbs up and mouth 'you can do it,' because I truly believe that she can. She could do anything if she sets her mind to it. In return, she shoots me a nervous, yet beautiful smile.

Clearing her throat, she steps right in front of the stand. Before gripping the microphone, she wipes her hands on the fabric of my jeans that I'm considering just giving to her because it makes her ass look irresistible.

What? I'm a guy!

"Hey everyone," she says to a crowd of three, including me. "This song is dedicated to the shifty looking guy at the front there," she motions to me and I, being the mature man I am, poke my tongue out at her. She giggles into the microphone and the adorable sound resonates throughout the block, already catching the attention of a few people.

The beat of the drum starts the music, quickly added in by acoustic guitar and finally, Beth's enchanting voice making the melody sound whole.

"High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?"

The way she sings with such emotion, conviction and passion is so alluring and I find myself completely hypnotised under her mesmerising spell that is her voice. Every time the melody of her voice rings through my ears I can't help but feel pulled towards her by some invisible gravitational force. Correction, not only is that force present when she sings, but all the time. All the freaking time, and I can't get rid of it even if I want to. It never seems to disappear, it only grows stronger with time. And as she sings her lungs out without struggle, I feel drawn to her and I can't take my eyes off of her.

I can say the exact same thing for all the people surrounding the area. They have been pulled in by her hauntingly beautiful voice, some maybe even subconsciously. That's what her voice is capable of. The crowd had predictably grown, all captivated by the soothing aura that Beth emits, and loses themselves in the depths of the soul that we can see through the emotions she is opening up.

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