Chapter 11

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After a weekend of doing nothing at home, other than cleaning up after Linda when she came home drunk yesterday, I’m now back at school. It’s been a long day of Maths, History, English, and now I’m in Biology class. I don’t really enjoy science but I do it just to keep my options open in case I do find an interest in it one day, although I don’t see that happening. I look up at what my teacher is trying to explain and then zone out since I already covered that topic myself beforehand. I’m usually ahead in all my classes since I have nothing else to do at home other than study.

Harry will be coming back to Melbourne tomorrow and I’m really nervous. He wants to hang out but I don’t even know how to socialise like a normal person. I don’t even know how to be normal. Wait a second, why am I freaking out if this friendship even going to last since he will only be in Melbourne for a couple days? I don’t even need to put effort in this friendship. I can’t let this friendship grow too strong because after the Melbourne shows are over we will never see each other again, and I have to be okay with that. I can’t expect this friendship to continue after he leaves forever; this is like the ‘one night stand’ of friendships.

I feel my phone buzz and thank god I put it on silent. I would’ve gotten my phone confiscated if the teacher heard it. I grab it out of my pocket and smile at the name. Harry. My heart flutters at his name and a smile takes over my face. Why does he always make me feel this way?

I hide my phone under the table and open the message.


Hey, what are you doing? :)

I smile like an idiot. I text him back discretely so the teacher won’t notice.


At school in biology class :( it’s so boring. What about u?


What school do you go to? I’m getting my hair and makeup done for a photoshoot.


Waverly High! Sounds fun :)


Are you excited to see me tomorrow? :)


Yeah totalllllly *note the sarcasm*




I was kidding! Of course I’m excited :) What are we doing?


Just hanging out with some of the lads


Sounds good :) Where should I meet you?


Don’t know yet, I’ll call you tmrw and tell you then. I have to go now, have fun in school x

I put my phone back in my pocket and sigh. The thought of seeing him again tomorrow makes me so happy, actually happy, which is weird. I keep reminding myself temporary friends Beth, nothing more.

The bell rings, signalling the end of the school day. I get up and find Jenny on the other side of the class. We are always separated in class since the seating is organised in alphabetical order, since my surname is Anderson and hers is Smith. We never get to talk in class which is kind of a good thing; because I know we would talk and laugh the whole time. We walk out of class together and head to our lockers, which are right next to each others.

‘’Who were you texting in class?’’ She interrogates. I swear, this girl always has questions.

‘’Harry,’’ I say while rummaging through my locker to put in and take out books.


‘’Yup,’’ I say again casually.

‘’And you guys are still just friends?’’

I turn around to face her. ‘’Yes, just friends.’’

She furrows her eyebrows but then shrugs it off. We say goodbye and I walk off to the bus stop.

Jenny’s POV

She keeps saying that they’re just friends, but the way I saw her eyes light up when she looked up her phone told me otherwise. She’s lying to herself and I can see right through her. Usually she’s very hard to read and closed off but this is crystal clear.

Beth’s POV

I finally step into the house. I search around the house to see if Linda is home and there she is, sitting against the bathroom wall next to the toilet. It’s obvious that she has been drinking just by the way she looks. She’s pretty much passed out so I walk over to her and carry her to her bedroom. She isn’t heavy at all since she replaces many of her meals with a drink or cigarette. This is what my dad left me with, now not only do I have to look after myself, but also my ‘aunty’.

Once I get her back to her bed and put a blanket over her cold body, I have a shower. I start getting ready for bed. I put on my PJ’s, clean my face, brush my teeth and put in my earphones before burying myself into my small mattress. 

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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