Chapter 32

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I plop my body onto the soft-suede couch, so exhausted from lack of sleep, over-studying and my little episode just minutes ago. Harry comes back from his bedroom, now in a plain white t-shirt rolled up at the sleeves and his hair pulled back by a bandana, not needing a disguise as we were all alone. He walks towards the couch and places himself beside me, so close that the sides of our thighs are touching. I close my eyes and lean back into the chair while trying to muster up the confidence and focus to explain what just happened which seemed to worry Harry immensely, but could I trust him with this? No, I don't. I can't trust anyone, I remind myself.

Harry places his large, soft hand on my thigh. The action calms me, yet sends shivers through my body. "Can you please tell me what that was? What happened to you back there?"

I flutter my eyes shut when he, ever so slightly, grazes my thigh on top of my jeans. "I can't focus with you touching me like that," I push his hand off my thigh and place it onto his lap, with my eyes still closed and the calmness that Harry emits pushing me further into tiredness.

He chuckles and runs his hand through his curls. "I knew you felt it too," he says matter-of-factly.

"Felt what?" I question and just barely open my eyes to stare at his.

"Fireworks," he states while making dramatic sound effects and actions to mimic fireworks with his hands.

"You're an idiot," I giggle.

"A sexy idiot," he says conceitedly.

"You wish," I tease.

"Why are you always stabbing my ego?" He says while bringing his hand up to his chest dramatically, as if I had shot him in the heart.

"Because your ego is too big, I have to bring you down to Earth," I mock.

"Oh really now?" He says cheekily, while raising an eyebrow and leaning in closer to my face.

His breathing is all I can focus on as he leans forward slowly and his minty breath clouds my mind. His lips graze over mine slightly, snapping me back to reality. "Why do you care so much?" I ask the question that has been on my mind for the last two weeks, while my lips make contact with his as each word leaves my mouth.

He leans back slightly to be able to see my face. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Nobody usually does," I mumble. My voice starts to crack and break, just like the glass barrier that surrounds me.

Harry's POV

She is finally starting to talk to me, she's letting me in very slowly and I don't want her to stop. I want to know her, everything about her.

"What do you mean?" I look into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Nobody cares about me. And when I start to think they do, they prove me wrong and end up leaving," she sighs heavily.

"Who are they?" I ask curiously, putting emphasis on the word 'they'.

Her eyes darken, confirming to me that she is once again hiding herself, before she says, "No-one in particular, just in general," she lies.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Why are you so nosy?" She says with attitude.

"I'm not nosy, I'm just... worried. Why did you cry back there? What was on your mind?"

"You ask too many questions," she states in monotone.

"Yet you don't answer any of them. You told me you were going to try and stop shutting me out, but here we go again," I argue while waving my arms up in defeat to prove my point.

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