Chapter 29

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After Harry leaves the dressing room, I grab the clothes out of my satchel and speedily change back into my previous clothing in the bathroom. It feels so good to be more covered up and have more material over my skin.

I walk back out of the bathroom, grab all my textbooks out of my bag and lay them all out on the dressing room floor. I have my exams coming up soon and I can't waste any time just sitting around, whether I'm at a concert or not. I have the English exam tomorrow - which I have studied countless hours for - so instead I choose to study for Biology. It's my hardest subject - despite the fact that I excel in the subject - since there's so much content to learn, but Psycology is a close second. I lay down on my stomach on the carpet, with my feet kicking in the air while scanning and memorising my notes.

Chromosomes are made of Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Genes are located on chromosomes and are also made of DNA. Genes are a section of DNA that codes for the production of a particular protein. Genes are also made up of a series of linked genes from chromosomes. A chromosome is a long molecule of DNA.

So. Many. Big. Words. Why can't I remember this stuff as easily as I remember song lyrics? One of man's unanswered questions.

Genes contain the information for the production of proteins and functional Ribonucleic Acid molecules. Proteins are responsible for the physical expressions of genes as phenotypic characteristics, for example, eye colour, blood group. Since genes are inherited, traits are also inherited.

Ugh! I'm so over this. I close my notebook and try to do some past exams instead, hoping it will be a better help rather than reading over lines and lines of blue and black ink. I reach over to grab a pen when I hear the crowd roar madly, making my head shoot up to look at the screen, only to see that Niall is twerking on stage. Boy, is this band odd, but I think that's why they're so popular because they act like themselves. They're genuine, down-to-earth and not afraid to make a fool of themselves, using Niall as exhibit A.

The laughter comes to an abrupt stop and is taken over by five beautiful harmonising voices singing a song I've never heard before but I already know I will love. My eyes are involuntarily glued to Harry as I study and admire the way his lips move, the way he stands and the way his curly hair is pushed back into a messy quiff. The song ends way too quickly so I quickly shift my focus back onto my practice exam and answer some questions.

I hear the laughter and screams coming from the hall, signalling that the show has finished. I only have two questions left, perfect timing.

"Hard worker aye?" A voice from behind me says, making me jump even though I know exactly who it is.

"Yep, that's me! Hold on, I just have one question left," I say while I continue to write.

Harry walks closer to me and peers over my work, "Is that even English?"

"No, it's Biology," I say sarcastically and Harry chuckles at my extremely lame joke.

"You're left-handed?" He observes.

"Actually, I can write with both hands. When one hand gets too tired I just use the other one."

"That's so cool, I've never met anyone who can write with both hands," he says fascinated.

"Yeah," I say sadly, thinking about what happened to make me get this way. Well, at least one good thing came out of the torture. "Okay, finished!" I stuff all my books into my bag and sling the strap around my shoulder before facing Harry.

"Do you want to hang out?" He asks hopefully while stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"That sounds great but I have an exam tomorrow morning, and it's already late."

"Oh, um... Could we do something after your exam?" He asks shyly. Harry Styles shy? This is too cute.

"As in a date?" I say teasingly with a smirk etched on my face.

"You could say that..." He rubs the back of his neck and hint of a smile is evident on his face. "I'll pick you up at your school. What time should come?"

Pick up? As in car? Hell no.

"You don't have to pick me up, I'll meet you," I say hastily.

"Are you sure? It's not a prob - "

"Yes, I'm sure. Where should I meet you?" I quickly interrupt, hoping he will just agree.

"No, I'm picking you up," he says briskly.

"You're not picking me up; I'm going to meet you there. End of discussion," I protest.

He stares intently at me. Dammit, he's doing it again. "I know you're hiding something from me. You said you would stop shutting me out," he snaps.

"I'm trying Harry, I just need time," I sigh.

"Fine," he grunts. "I just wanted to pick you up since it's our first date and everything but whatever," he says angrily.

"Trust me, if you pick me up it would probably turn out to be the worst date ever." I try to reason with him and look at him with pleading eyes.

He groans loudly. "Alright, alright. When does your exam finish?"


"Meet me at the lobby at 12, and then you can come with us to sound check and the concert too?"

"Sounds good," I give him a small smile which he returns in an adorable manner. I check the time on my phone before saying, "I've got to go if I want to catch the next train."

"I'll walk you out." I let out a breath of relief; I probably wouldn't have been able to find my way out anyways.

We walk quietly side by side down the corridors and I see Harry's eyes on me from the corner of my eye. "Can I help you?" I ask cheekily.

He fidgets with his fingers before saying, "can I put my arm around your shoulder?" I'm a little surprised at his question, but I nod and he eagerly places his strong arm over me. A hint of mint and cologne surrounds me and I find myself leaning in closer to his hard, yet soothing chest.

"Harry?" I look up at him.


"What was that song you were singing before? The one you did acapella," I question curiously.

"That's our new song Story Of My Life, you haven't heard it yet?"

"No, only the little snippet you did in tonight's concert. I like it already," I admit.

"Thanks babe," he smiles. Babe? How did this small one-syllable word cause my stomach for scream and erupt with butterflies? Wizard I tell you, wizard. We continue to walk in a comfortable silence.

We reach the backstage door and as I push it open and turn back to Harry. "I'll see you tomorrow Curly."

He chuckles and smiles very subtlety, just enough for his dimples to appear. "I'll see you soon love," he says before bringing his other arm to wrap around me and leaning down to give me a small peck.

I leave the arena with a wide smile on my face, and I was happier than ever, but the name Derek haunts me in my slumber.

(A/N Don't forget to vote!)

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