Chapter 50

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When I step into the threshold of hell I make a beeline to my room and plop my bag down with a thud. I have been carrying that thing around for two days and now my back is absolutely killing me.

I instantly plug my iPod into its charger. It's been flat since yesterday and I'm having withdrawals. I pull my hair out of its ponytail to prepare for a shower. Should I shower now? Nah, I should wait to clean the mess Linda has made beforehand.

Surprisingly as I make my way to the kitchen/dining/living room I don't see a cloud of smoke hanging around the ceiling, but when I see Linda I wish that I had. Surrounding her on the couch are multiple empty bottles of who knows what, although that's normal. What surprises me is that she doesn't have a cigarette in her hand. Instead, she is sniffing a white powder substance on the back of her hand.

"What are you doing?"

My voice startles her and she lifts her head up. She opens her mouth to speak but a chain of coughs stops her. I stare blankly as she struggles to gain her breath. I have told her numerous times that smoking will ruin her lung capacity, it's her own fault for not listening to me.

"Nothing that concerns you," her raspy yet shrill voice says.

"Is that cocaine?"

"Yeah," she slurs. "What of it?"

"Where the hell did you get the money for that?" If she had money why couldn't she be paying for the house bills, or groceries instead of me working my ass off paying for things she should be responsible for.

"None of your fucking business! Now make yourself useful and clean this shit up."

"I'll clean it when you've finished up. There's no point in cleaning it now if you're going to continue to make a mess," I reason.

I tread back to my room but not before hearing Linda take another whiff after muttering , "ungrateful piece of shit," under her breath. I choose to ignore her like I always do, but it doesn't make the statement any less hurtful.

I go back into my room, turn on some music and do some last minute study for tomorrow. I have to do good on these exams. I need to prove to myself that I can accomplish something successfully. Maybe it will make me actually feel worthwhile. I highly doubt it but I will try anything to stop these negative thoughts that shout at me in the form of my dad's voice, making me feel insignificant and small.

After an hour or so, I close my books and walk back out to find Linda passed out on the couch. I walk over and pick up her up and lay her down on the bed in her room. I place a blanket over her shivering body and close the door as I walk out. I quickly clean Linda's daily mess before taking a quick hot shower.

After putting on an old tshirt to sleep in, I brush my hair out and then hop in bed. I push my phone under my pillow and put in my earphones, preparing myself for a nights sleep. Just as my eyes were fluttering closed at the sound of Harry's raspy voice singing to me through my earphones, I feel a vibration under my pillow. I dig my phone from under my head and find I have a text message, from Harry. My heart jumps at the sight.


Goodnight beautiful. I miss you.


"Times up! Pens down everybody," the exam supervisor says when our two hours ends. "You! In the back! Pen down!" The man yells at a student still ferociously scribbling away.

After the maths exam, I moved to sit my biology exam straight away. It didn't give me much time to prepare, but with the countless hours I spent going over things yesterday with Keith, I didn't really need it.

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