Chapter nine

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Mandy you idiot, you screwed up everything, why, why don't I just go die now. Make it easier.

I looked down as I felt Luke still staring at me, my whole body was shivering and i felt like my insides were screaming.

The blood was still dripping down, I hated Luke seeing me like this. I just faces the ground.

I didn't know what was going to happen next.

I spoke to soon.

Luke lifted up my chin and looked me straight in the eye. He made the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Mandy, I have been feeling the same way. As soon as I met you. You were this gorgeous girl that was just too good for me, but you are beautiful please stop this. Stop it for me, stop it for your Aunty but mostly stop it for yourself there is so much more to live for Mandy. I love you and I know how you feel. I went through it when I was getting hate from twitter"

All these words made me smile and burst into tears. Luke was amazing. God created a Beautiful person.

As Luke leaned in, I knew what was going to happen. We were an inch apart, I could feel his breath hovering near my face. It was going to happen. My first ever kiss.

I pulled away. Luke looked disappointed.

"Luke, I don't deserve you, you are amazing and then there's me. A nobody. Somebody useless and has no future" I said as I wiped my tears and ran out of the bathroom.

"MANDY WAIT" Luke shouted.

I chose to ignore it, I couldn't do this to Luke, but I truly loved him.

I ran outside the house. I ran and ran and ran and ran. I ran so far and fast that my legs hurt so much! I still had the tissues on me so I grabbed them and chucked them on the floor.

I had been add least running for about an hour now. I was tired and had no where to go. I didn't even have my phone with me. I turned into a street which had a park with a fountain. The street sign said, "berbly state park"

I guess I was at a park. That's when I remembered. I knew this park. I don't know where from but I knew of it. I knew where I was so I was safe. I must have just took the long way.

I went over to the fountain and sat on the ledge. I guess I was wondering around for 2 or 3 hours. Everyone would be worried.

I saw a lady on her iPhone and she seemed nice. I walked up to her.

"Um excuse me ma'am, sorry if I'm being a bother but may I use your phone to call my parents because my phone ran of battery"

"Oh sure thing darling"

"Thank you heaps"

She smiled at me. She was so nice.

I couldn't call Aunt Sue because she would be so worried and upset so I had to think quick. Beaus the only one who knows how to drive.

I tried to remember his phone number off the top of my head and dialled the numbers.

*ring ring* *ring ring*




"Beau before you go all brotherly on me, hear me out, I am at berbly state park and I need you to come pick me up and I'll explain everything. Come alone" I said as I cut him off

"I'm on my way"

We both hung up and I handed the phone back to the lady and said my thanks once again.

I sorted and waited for about 40 mins, wow I guess it was far away.

I saw someone approach me and I knew it was beau straight away. He have me the biggest hug and I just gave him the 'I'm okay' look.

We hopped into his car and drove off.

"Are you okay Mandy, the boys and I are worried even Luke, Aunt Sue doesn't know that you ran away Luke just made up something so it wouldn't put her in worried mode, and I'm so sorry about Aunt Sue Mandy."

"Thank you Beau, I guess I have to stay at yours then because I'm pretty sure Luke said I'll be staying at yours and I am fine now that you are here, I'm sorry you guys had to meet me, I'm sorry I put your through hell"

"Hey don't say that, the boys and I love you. You are different to most girls and we love that, besides your my musk best friends niece. Of course we love you"

"Thank you beau"

He smiled. I told him everything about what happened and he was so sad that I hurt my self again.

"Why didn't you let luke kiss you"

"Well I don't deserve him, and umm hello... My first kiss"

"If only you knew how much Luke loves you, it's so obvious"

I just laughed. Beau was amazing he was so nice and just lovely. We arrived at the brooks house hold.

Gina opened the door and she smiled,

"How was your walk mandy, I'm just going with your Aunty to see a movie then we are gonna spend a night in a hotel for a couple of days so you are stuck with my boys!!" She said as she hugged me

"It was amazing, yay I'll take care of them"

As soon as Gina left, Jai came up to me and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you are okay"

I smiled

"Where luke?"

"Up stairs" jai said

I walked up stairs and opened the door. Luke was so excited to see me

"Mandy I'm so sorry, I really am I didn't know what I was doing"

I just looked at him and laughed.

"Luke you have no shirt on"

He blushed

"I'm really sorry Mandy"

I just looked at him and put my arms around his neck, I looked at him and he looked at me.

I pulled him closer and he smiled at me.

We were so close, so I just went for it

Out lips met and they connected, his cold lip ring was just perfect.

I pulled away.

"Did that make up for anything?" I said cheekily


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