Chapter sixty

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-Im gonna make this chappy a bit long, well try to anyway haha. I want to say thank you for reading this fan fic until the end It means so much to me and I am crying because it is legit the last chapter. Thank you guys so much and I really do hope you enjoyed my journey of writing-

I love you all and I reckon this chapter is really sad :(

 My head was hurting so bad right now; I still could only see darkness. I used the strength I had left to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and they started to sting very badly. I quickly rubbed my eyes but winced in pain. I looked at my arms and they had cuts all over them. My heart started pounding because I was in total shock. I looked around the room and automatically recognized where I was. I was in a fucking hospital. I pushed myself so I was now sitting on the bed, I yelped in pain once again. I had back pain now. I looked over to see Jai walking into the room and dropping his coffee. He ran over to me and hugged me but didn’t say anything. "Jai?" I croaked out. "Oh my god Mandy your okay" Jai whispered. "Yes I am but how?" I whispered back. "I’m not sure yet you are hurt pretty bad" Jai started to tear up. I knew something else was wrong. Suddenly my mind was on Luke. Was he okay? Oh no. "Jai where’s Luke." I said in panic. Jai just cried into my arms. "No no no Jai he can’t be de-" I cut myself off by sobbing. "No he’s not" Jai wiped his eyes and looked at me. "He’s in a coma."

My heart sunk. I started to cry more. "I want to see him." "You cant Mandy" Jai spoke sternly. "JAI YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS IS ALL MY FAULT." "HOWDO YOU THINK I FEEL HE IS MY BROTHER MANDY MY FUCKING TWIN" Jai yelled back, we were both a bit taken back. "Mandy I’m sorry" Jai breathed out. "No no its okay, I just want to see he please" I sobbed. Jai got off me and held my hand. I pushed the blankets off me and flipped my feet over the side of the hospital bed. I stood up. My legs were fine it was just my arms and back for some reason. I put my force on jai, he didn’t seem to mind and he led me to Luke’s room. Once I got there everyone looked up and me and hugged me except beau. I wouldn’t blame him though. "Mandy how are you?" James asked. "I’ve been better" I stated. I walked into the room and saw Luke, he looked...Pale as a ghost. I tried not to break down but it was hard. Tears streamed down my face. "Look what you did" beau whispered. I looked at him and he was crying. "My fucking brother is in a coma, fuck knows when he will wake up" Beau spoke quite harshly. "Beau-" "Don’t fucking talk to me" He spoke. He stood up and bumped into me before he left the room. I cried, I didn’t know what to do. I let go of jai and walked next to Luke, I did stumble but I still made it. I sat down next to him. The machines were slowly beeping. He didn’t look good at all. I held his hand and squeezed. Hoping he would squeeze it back. Nothing. "Luke if you can hear me." I spoke softly. My tears were now falling from my face onto his hand. I wiped them away and continued. "You have to wake up I cant do this without you, you need to wake up" I spoke. I rested my head on his chest and started crying. I felt someone come behind me and cuddle me. "Its okay Hun." "Gina?" I questioned. I turned around and we hugged for a bit. "Gina I’m so sorry" I cried out. "Mandy please don’t, it was not your fault, or his." I saw that Gina was tearing up. I wiped away her tears and hugged her once again. "Beau thinks its all my fault. " I whispered. She hugged me tighter. "He’s just...shocked" She breathed.

"Mandy Collins you shouldnt be in here" I heard someone speak; I broke the hug and looked up. "You have to be resting" Spoke the nurse. "DO YOUR JOB AND HELP SOMEONE WHO NEEDS IT" I scream and stand on my two feet. "Mandy calm down we are tying everything, but you need help as well" She spoke softly. "WELL OBVIOUSLY YOU ARENT DOING A GOOD JOB, LOOK AT ME IM FUCKING FINE. HE NEEDS YOUR HELP MORE THAN ME SO FUCKING DO YOUR JOB AND FUCKING HELP HIM" I screamed my heart out. More doctors and nurses ran into the room and just blankly stared at me. I bent down and kissed Luke on the cheek walking past everyone back to my room. I slowly sat down on my bed and cried. My legs and hands were shaking. I felt the bed rise just a little; this must mean that someone was sitting next to me. I looked up to see Beau. I hugged him and he hugged back. "I’m so sorry" He whispered. I shook my head. "No no no its okay, I would of blamed me too" I sighed. "Mandy, don’t say that, I don’t blame you. I was just in shock I guess" Beau spoke softly. "Beau I wish I never agreed" I sobbed. "Its okay Mandy, he will wake up, but I reckon you should rest, you need the sleep" Beau informs. "I can’t sleep in a time like this." "Mandy," Beau groaned. I nodded and got under the sheets. I turned to my side. "Why do you always do that? "Beau laughed. "Do what?" I was confused. "Sleep on your side" "Oh, I usually see Luke’s face when I sleep on my side, It’s too perfect" I speak truthfully. Beau chuckled and I shut my eyes. I felt my body needed this, a nap. I fell into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds.


"What is all this stuff?" I speak to myself. I keep touching the white fluffy fluff and play around with it. I felt happy in this place. I don’t know what this place was but it was beautiful. "Hey" some familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around and gasped. "LUKE HOLY SHIT YOUR OKAY OMG," I screamed while kissing him on the lips multiple times. "I’m okay Mandy, but not in the way you think" He smiled showing his white teeth. He flopped down onto the floor and dragged me down with him so now I was sitting on top of him. "What do you mean?" "Mandy, its kind of my time to go and I know that now" Luke sighs. "NO NO ITS NOT" I scream. He calms me down and continues. "Mandy, you have to live and I have to die" He speaks again. "Luke don’t be silly the doctors have it under control" "No, no they don’t, I left ages ago" He sighed. "But you cant leave me" I spoke while a tear ran down my face. Luke kissed it away and then kissed my lips. "I’m not going away forever, i promise you one day we will meet again"

"I love you and this is my way of telling you"

E N D  O F  D R E A M

I woke up with my eyes wide open. Everyone was in my room staring at me. They were all crying, oh no fuck no. It was just a dream though. "OH MY GOD" I screamed while crying. Everyone looked at me in shock I got out of bed and ran to Luke’s room. Doctors were everywhere. "Miss you cant be in here right now" A grey haired guy spoke with a harsh tone. "I DONT GIVE A SHIT MOVE" I screamed. It was Luke, he looked pale, even paler then we were before. I looked up to the machines to see they were not beeping. "NO NO NO NO NO NO" I cried while running towards Luke. "DONT LEAVE ME" I screamed. My ears were now ringing, I felt sick to my stomach. I kissed his lips one last time. I’m going to miss his kisses his smile his voice his everything. I started shaking. "I’m sorry, we called it" A doctor spoke softly to me. "Just leave me alone I want to be alone with him." I whispered back, they all nodded and walked out. Just like fucking that. I moved my body so i was now on his bed and I turned his body and mine so we were looking at each other. Why did this have to happen? Why. I was crying so much now. 

"Maybe you should kill yourself ha" My brain was telling me.

"But you wouldn’t want that would you" I cried while holding Luke’s hand.

 This was all my fault, just like everything was my fault.

 'The worst type of crying is the silent one. Its when everyone is asleep, the one where you feel it in your throat and your vision becomes blurry. The one where your heart aches and you want to scream to the world but you cant. It’s the type where you cant breathe anymore and you have to cover your mouth to keep quite. It’s the one when you realize the person you love the most and means the most to you, is gone. The worst part is you know they are never coming back and in the end you want to die, because what is living if you cant live your life with the person you love.'

"Im sorry"  

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