Chapter two

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His eyes were just amazing. Yes I did stare into his eyes for a split second.

"Hey I'm Mandy" as I replied back feeling no confidence what so ever.

He nodded and smiled.

"Now honey please make Mandy here feel welcome and introduce her to the other boys, she might be staying here a lot because she is moving in with Sue which is her Aunty" Gina grinned.

"Okay mum." Naw momma's boy!

He looked a little down, but he was putting a smile, a fake smile. I knew because I put one on for years. Its better then explaining why you are sad most of the time.

"I'm sure you will love my boys Hun, they are nicer than you think" Gina giggled. She was actually such a lovely person and I had only just met her.

I smile and nod.

"Hey come, I'll introduce you to my two brothers" his voice spoke again. Why am I getting shivers, I just met the boy.

I follow him into a room and I see two boys sitting down on their phones. It looked like they were about to throw their phones on the ground. They looked furious and I couldn't understand why. I think I popped in at the wrong time and I felt bad about it.

They all stopped and looked at me.

I was just standing there. Should I say awkward or should you?

"Beau, Jai, this is Mandy she lives across the street from us and we will probs see her a lot now." Why did everyone say "they will see me a lot now?" What if I didn't want to see anyone. Ah don't kid yourself Mandy, these boys are going to be hard to stay away from.

"Hey I'm Beau and that's my little brother Jai, he is totally out of it. He is having a twitter argument at the moment so sorry about that."

"Argh I see what's wrong now." Now I didn't blame the boys for being angry or upset.

"Yeah, its so fucked up right now," Beau mummbled.

"I bet."

He was cute too OMG. All of them were. Wow this better not be a dream, because if it I will be disappointed. Its not like every day you stand in a room with 3 gorgeous boys.

"Hey sorry I'm Jai, I'm just totally out of it." Ruining my train of thought.

"That's fine, I'm Mandy"

We all got to know Each other very well, to the point we acted like best friends, I loved hanging out with them and that is not a common feeling for me with anyone really. They made me feel so happy and made me forget about thr little problems I had been facing. We talked for ages and ages, it litreally felt like forever. I hope no one noticed how I was looking at Luke most of the time, he was just pure perfection and I bet any girl could agree. I saw him look at me a couple of times but I didn't think very much about it.

"Guys I feel like, we found a new best friend" Jai spoke breaking everyone's thoughts. Gosh I hope so I really needed friends.

Luke and beau nod in agreement.

"Awh thanks guys, I've never really had any friends, you guys are my first that I can call best friends" I mumbble not knowing what else to say.

They all came and jumped on me giving me hugs I was surprised but I didnt mind. I hope this wasn't all a game. I hope they weren't just saying all these things to not make it awkward and I really hope they weren't forcing theirselves to like me.

"Well since you live across the road you will probs be here a lot" said beau. I think I have heard that for like the hundreth time today and guess what, I didn't mind.

"Yeah I guess" I said back, smiling

It was really weird how we all bonded and got a long, they were very nice boys and they just made everyone feel special. They were amazing. Ppft I am super lovestruck, okay more like a love sick idiot.

The boys mum Gina, stepped into their the room making us all turn towards her.

"Hey Mandy by the looks of it I think you are staying here, I'm sorry it's your first day and you are still getting comfy but your Aunty fell asleep on the couch and I don't want to wake her."

"No no no, I don't mind, your boys have been great friends to me"

"That's good, oh and one more thing I ordered pizza it will be here soon."

As Gina walked out, the brothers looked at each other and screamed of excitement. They acted like girls which made me laugh.

"I can't believe you are staying, you are cool as" Jai said as he was jumping on the top of his and Lukes bunk bed. I let out a laugh.

"Mee too, we have a connection" said Beau. Yeah I hope so.

It was so amazing how we just bonded all together. It was like long lost brother and sister relationship, but don't worry it wasn't.

"So where is everyone gonna sleep"

"I'll sleep on the bottom bunk with Jai. and Luke can sleep on the floor" smiled Beau

I nodded

"Are you okay with that Luke" I asked, I didn't want to just steal his bed.

"It's fine Mandy I don't mind"

"PIZZAS HERE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" as Gina yelled from the kitchen.

We all got up and walked to the kitchen

A few hours past and it was 11:30pm. It was getting pretty late but the boys decided they want to watch a movie. 

I was happy at the point but I then remebered all the bad things that were hidding at the back of my head. She why now, please not now. I tried everything to forget what I was feeling but I knew what was going to happen and I couldnt stop it.  

Oh no, the memories came back, all the horror and all the times of hell. I had to do something, I just had to. No Mandy don't.

"May I use your bathroom please" I said I bit to anxiously.


I ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I checked the back pocket of my Jeans and I found it. I found a razor. I always kept it in my pocket no matter what. I know I am weird okay, but like o said I have a problem.

I lifted up my top and slit across my tummy. It didn't hurt because I was use to it. I got some tissues and pressed it hard on the fresh cut flesh to stop the bleeding. I pulled a face as it hurt a little.

I'm a low life.

I came back like nothing ever happened. But I knew something did. Why did this all have to happen right at this very moment.

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