3. New Emotions

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May Daniels.

I was tingling all over. The way he gazed at me was so intense. I had to keep constantly reminding myself that he is the bad guy! A stalker. It wouldn't do me any good to throw myself at him, no matter how good looking he seemed.

He was handsome as hell, I'll admit that much. Also smooth. And dangerous too.

He stared at me at such ferocity that I found myself gulping... Not in fear, rather in anticipation. He inched closer, and my heart rate accelerated.

There was something in his baby blue eyes that called out something dark and sinful within me.

"Al... Alex..." I whispered.

Maybe I shouldn't have said his name. His gaze darkened within moments as he closed the tiny space between us. His soft lips pressed on mine gently, as if to build the anticipation before turning carnal. Possessive.

Our tongue fought for dominance, teasing and exploring each other. His hands gripped my face, angling to get more access to my mouth.

My mind was raging with this new emotion. What is this feeling?! But it felt good and I wanted more.

We were both panting when we pulled apart. To my embarrassment, I realised that I had unbuttoned his dress shirt. When did that happen, I had no idea. The next moment my senses got distracted at the sight of the tanned skin of his chest peeking in between the gap of his shirt.

And from what I had felt, he works out. His muscles were hard and powerful.

Just like his mouth.

I lifted my eyes to his to find his gaze, powerful and sensual. Asking for more. Asking for me.

With a groan, I pulled his face back to mine and gave all my strength into the kiss.

I was thinking that I have never been kissed like this before. And this couldn't possibly get any better. Just then, as if to prove me wrong, he began to suck my bottom lip which made my knees go weak. I most likely would have stumbled if he hadn't been holding me. His arms held me up tightly against his body and I could feel his hardness, the masculine strength easily.

He was taking advantage of my mouth at full extent and I shamelessly let him. His lips left mine making me whine but they didn't stop kissing my skin. He trailed a path from my lips to chin, then till behind that 'oh so sensitive' spot behind my ears.

"Do you like this?" He murmured, his voice rough.

"Oh yes..." I moaned, allowing myself to bask in this feeling. How does he make me feel like this?!

When his lips reached the top of my chest, I came to my senses. It was a soft, reluctant push but he stopped. But he didn't let go of me. His arms moved to the tops of my shoulders, holding me in place.

"What's wrong May?"

Gosh! My name sounded extremely carnal on his lips.

"Please... Don't. I can't..." I whispered, wrapping myself with my arms around my body. I was trembling. And he was the sole reason. His touch made me yearn...made me feel so many unfamiliar emotions and it freaked me out.
All these were so new. Hell! These were something that I didn't even know existed.

Alex took a step back while releasimg his hold me. His gaze was heated but he was regarding me carefully. I wasn't sure what he found on my face. Fear? Maybe. But he didn't push me. "I will leave now. But I will come back."

With that he turned around and exited the driveway.

The alarm rang painfully near my left ear. I had placed it there so that I would get up on time.

When my mind cleared off the drowsiness of my short slumber, the first thing that came into my mind was his face. Alex.

What a vivid dream?! It has to be a dream, right? There is absolutely no reason why he would look at me like that when he could have all the slim, sexy girls he wanted. No. If Alex came here, it would be to kill me not to kiss me. After all I did witness a crime.

Gingerly, I rubbed my lips with my fingertips. They were swollen and felt very raw. Alex?

No! Don't go there! It was only a simful dream! It was difficult but not impossible to convince myself. But I couldn't help the smile as I left for work.

Throughout the day, my mood has been carefree and happy. To make things even better, the principal called me in. The head teacher for the my preschool batch, Mr Benson was retiring soon. And I was given the position as the head teacher. In other words, a promotion.

So I was pretty ecstatic. As I was leaving the school, one of the office staff, Jessie, caught up with me. Jess happened to be my best friend too.

"You seem happy today."

"I am."

"Any particular reason?"

"Benson has retired. I've been promoted as the head teacher to take his place."

"Wow! You've got to be the youngest head teacher ever! Congratulations May!"

"Thanks!" I grinned.

"We have to celebrate this. Let's go for drinks tonight. Its friday and we don't have to work tomorrow. Its a perfect night to get drunk and wasted. Maybe even find a hottie to bring back home!" She squealed, her imagination getting ahead.

Jess simply adores men. And they like her too.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not the drinking type Jess, you know that."

"Ah cmon! Don't be a spoilsport. Its okay to have fun once in a while."

"Well, let's see how okay? I'll let you know."

"In other words no." Jess rolled her eyes.

I laughed. "You know me so well."

"Let's talk later May. I have to finish the paperwork before I can leave. You go on first."

"Alright, bye Jess!"

I sauntered cheerfully to my car and stopped halfway. There was someone leaning in my car. A man.

His back was facing me but his physique seemed awfully familiar. I could almost see his muscles through the snug white shirt he wore.

Out of nowhere my senses went haywire. I found it difficult to breathe and my heart went erratic. And there was only one man who could get this kind of reaction out of me.

Alex Kellen.

Suddenly he turned around, away from his mobile. His eyes find me almost immediately and my heart stops.

His baby blue eyes lightened up magnificently and lips split into a wide grin as though he was looking at his ultimate favourite person in the universe.



Author's note:

Thank you so much for your patience! It's been quite a difficult time for me. Hopefully that phase passes soon and I can focus on writing again.

Thank you again for your continuous support... I really appreciate it! Happy reading!

April Vishnu

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