33. At Gun Point

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May Daniels.

The bed was soft and felt perfect underneath my body. But I was nowhere in the mood to revel in its comfort.

A long night full of restlessness and nightmares without Alex by my side had made very cranky. Not to mention I was hungry as well.

"M...Mi...Miss? I ha...have food for y...you..."

I smiled menacingly at the helper, slightly awed that she still had the courage to approach me.

"How come you still dare to come near me?" My voice very soft.

"If I d...don't they will kill me." She mumbled.

There was so much of fear in her eyes that I felt a tiny bit of guilt for my tantrums. I should admit that I wasn't the most well behaved prisoner.

The room was in a wreak, thanks to me. Once I was able to move without much pain, I took it as my personal responsibility to create as much havoc as I could. The dresser, once pristine was now all broken after I had overturned and stomped on it.

Since I was too paranoid to eat the food incase it was spiked, I used it to decorate the walls.

The walls are so colourful right now. Art is my passion, you see.

Though I hope they would clean it soon. It was starting to stink too.

"P...Please Miss? Eat..."

I scowled at her. "Leave before I decorate you with the food. Top to bottom."

She scuttled away in a hurry.

"Scaring the help? Is that a smart move?" Jethro asked with an raised eyebrow. He was leaning against the open door, eyeing me shamelessly.

"You should know." I let out an exaggerated snort." Oh! I forgot! You're goddamned stupid."

"Stop this, May."

"Stop what?" My question was as innocent as the face of a hyena. My efforts were based on a slightly desperate attempt to make him mad. Mad enough for him to make a mistake, which I can use to escape.

"All these insanity!" He roared, finally losing his temper.

Oh yeah! A little bit more anger, please!

"Sure!" My tone was a cheery as a blue bird. "I promise to stop all these insanity as soon as you set me free."

"You will be. As soon as you agree to carry my child, you will be free."

"I am not a fucking baby making machine!" Now it me who gave in to anger. It made really furious to know that he thought I would come to him so easily. After all that he had done... All those insults and heartbreak had made me a different woman. A woman who is madly in love Alex. I glared at him with renewed anger.

"It is very normal for wives to bear their husbands children."

"You are not my husband! You had that chance and you blew it. If you think I'd marry you after all you did then you are clearly delusional!

I watched as his face turned red with fury. But when he spoke, his voice was deceptively soft. "It's mid morning now. I expect to have your agreement by ten tonight. If you agree, everything will be smooth. We will get married and start a family immediately."

"If I don't?"

"Then I will have to force you."

"Force me?" My eyebrows were raised in question even though I knew what he meant.

"Having a child is more important than marriage. I could just use you for the baby since I already have a wife which by the way is your sister." He added arrogantly.

"You mean you'll rape me? I'm not surprised."

"Good. So I hope you will give me your full cooperation. You have until ten tonight to decide. Either way I will still get my child." With that he strolled away, shutting the door behind him.

I curled myself into a ball on the bed. All my thoughts were in a disarray. There was no way I can protect myself here and that made me very very angry.

Oh Alex! Where the hell are you?!

The atmosphere felt very chill and uncomfortable. It was too quiet. Like the eerie calmness before the storm. As though something bad was about to happen.

It was past midnight and I had refused any form of communication with Jethro. It won't be long till he comes back to keep his promise.

I had been tossing and turning on the mattress, sleepless with a cold feeling at the bottom of my tummy when I first heard it.

The sound of the door opening. It was very soft, as though the person was deliberately trying to be quiet.

I froze with fear, my every senses alert and fixed my gaze on the door. A shadow appeared at the crack of the opening before the door closed with a soft click followed by the lock.

The intruder glided silently towards the bed I was lying on. And grabbed my legs. Or well he tried.

The moment he reached out to me, I reared up and kicked him squarely on his chest. He went down with a agonized yell.

I recognized his voice. Jethro.


His intent was now very clear and it drove me to a panic state. I fumbled with the light on the bedside table.

Jet was on the floor hunched over while breathing heavily. Grabbing the table lamp, I slammed it on his head. The lamp smashed into smithereens, tinted with blood. It was my only my chance. I took it and darted to the door. Adrenaline was pumping heavily in my veins as I tried to unlock it. My palms were slick with sweat and kept slipping. Seconds later the door unlocked and opened to reveal my dearest mother.

"Get back inside, May."

"Mom!" Belatedly I realized the gun she was aiming at me. Her face was hard with intention.

"Get back inside or I will pull the trigger."

"Do you know what that fucker wants?!"

She sighed impatiently. "Of course, I do. This was my idea. You won't cooperate. And we don't have any other choice but to force you."

"C'mon! You're supposed to protect me!"

"I am. You're just too stupid to see it. Now get back inside."

"I simply don't understand!" I persisted. "How is allowing a bastard who cheated on me with my sister, married her and now wants ME to bear his kids, is protecting me?!"

"You are better off with him than with that Kellen! At least we get to be in power with Jethro. If you go with that Kellen, we get nothing!"

"I get to be happy!" I snapped. "Does my happiness not matter to you?"

"Why are you so selfish?"

"I'm being selfish?! Why don't you think about the happiness of your daughter instead of yours for a change?"

"That's enough! Get back inside before I kill you."


"Don't make me do this, May." She warned with narrowed eyes.

"I rather die than sleep with that asshole."

I watched as my words take effect. The hand that was holding the gun stiffened to aim.

She was going to kill me. My mother was going to kill me and there was no way I can escape this. I shut my eyes tightly and waited for my end.


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