26. The Past

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May Daniels.

We met for the first time at my twenty first birthday party.

I had always stayed away from parties and crowds for I was perfectly happy being a loner. But apparently that particular age had to be celebrated, by my mother's standards.

My mother was the president of the women's club. At the age of fifty, she was quite high up with society's standards as a rich widow with two beautiful daughters.

But only one, she was proud of. My sister Rachel. She was younger than me by two years.

Rachel was the perfect daughter. She dressed like a real woman, spoke with such manners and behaved like a sophisticated young girl. She was real feminine and the exact opposite of me.

I loved to argue and enjoyed wearing jeans instead of skirts. I persued a career instead of courting men for the perfect married life. And oh, I was also curious. A trait that my mother hated the most.

So she usually pretended that I didn't exist. Which was actually good for me. So when she wanted to throw me a party, I was immediately suspicious.

Lo and behold, my suspicions was confirmed when the guests invited were majority of the town's eligible bachelors. I played my part well as the host...well at least until some of the men tried asking me out. I. The beginning, I politely refused. But when they kept coming back, my temper flared up. With just a blink of an eye, I dropped the perfect host act and snapped at every male that dared to come within three foot of me.

I was worked up well into a rage surrounded by all the imbeciles available in the world. And that's when he glided into my world.

I was like an angry, stubborn kitten and he was like a calm majestic golden retriever.

And so, we clicked pretty well. Our opinions and views were so different from each other and yet there was this attraction. Opposite attracts, I had realized for the first time.

He was knowledgeable and easy to talk to. Quite handsome too, if I may add. But he was genuine and for that very reason, I agreed to meet him for lunch the next day.

And for the first time ever, my mother smiled and hugged me that night with a gleam in her eyes.

While we dated, he was an amazing gentleman, only stealing a kiss or two and never pushed me for anything I wasn't comfortable with.

Two years of a stable, devoted relationship. Everything was simply perfect. My teaching career was going well and so was my love life.

Then, our families had to bring up the subject of marriage. I was only twenty three at that time and him, almost thirty.

I declined immediately explaining how too early it was for that. Both the families were not pleased and thus, the beginning of several sour ties. But Jet sided with me. He never let me down.

So when he proposed a few months later, I had no heart to reject him. We agreed on a date and we chose everything together. From the wedding venue to my make up and dress, we planned it all as one.

I could never forget that fateful day...

My girlfriends and I were talking and giggling like maniacs about the wedding which just an hour away. My make up was all done. I kept it to a minimum of course to my mother's disdain. But hey! It was my wedding not hers.

I was admiring the wedding gown which I admit wasn't so grand with endless sequins and a crazy train. It was a simple, one shoulder ivory dress with an empire waist and a sweetheart neckline. There was no train, rather a simple sweep at the back of the dress.

My mobile beeped then, notifying me of a text.

"The wedding is called off."

Those were a few simple words but enough prick my eyes. Me being me, I simply had to know the reason. I ran out of the room ignoring my friends and didn't stop till I reached his room.

The room was empty except for him, my mother and Rachel.

"Is this some kind of joke, Jet?"

"No. The wedding is off."

"You mean you want postpone?"

He stared at me with cold, calculative eyes. "No. I will get married today. Just not with you."

It took a while for me to grasp his words. "Not with me? Then who?"


"You've got to be kidding me!"

"When will you ever learn to be a proper girl? I'm sick and tired of your choice of lifestyle and of your independence, your temper and worst of it all, your curiosity! That's why I chose your sister instead of you. She is more suited for a married life than you. And you know what? Your Mom agrees with me!"

I took several steps back, speechless with hurt. My eyes moved to each of them and that's when I noticed it.

Rachel was holding a pregnancy kit.

"You're pregnant?!"

"Don't raise your voice, May!" My mother snapped. "Be calm!"

"My finance cheated on me with my sister and you want me to be calm?!"

"He wouldn't have if you had only married him earlier when I told you to do so. Men have needs and you were simply too self absorbed to notice that.

I took several deep breaths to rein in my temper. My eyes moved from each faces, assessing the situation. My mind was racing with his treachery.

He cheated on me with my sister and don't even know how long ago it was. Or for how long. "Would you have told me if she hadn't gotten pregnant?"

The long silence in the room answered my question.

"You weren't going tell me, were you? You would have married me if she hadn't gotten knocked up."

My mother answered for him. "Stop blaming him, May. This is all your fault."

I wanted to laugh at my mother's audacity. "They both cheated behind my back and you dare say this is all my fault? What kind of mother are you?"

Her eyes flared and she raised her arm to slap me. But I was quicker. I caught her hand on time with a bitter smile. "Go ahead with your perfect daughter's wedding. I'm leaving."

"No you can't. You have to be present or people are going to think that you aren't agreeable to this marriage."

"Agreeable?! You've got to be kidding me!"

"Look here young lady! I have had enough with your attitude. You're coming. And what's more, you will be one of her bridesmaids."

"Yeah, you can keep dreaming mother. I'm leaving and I hope to never see any of you again."

Without spilling a single drop of tear, I left the building. It didn't take me too long to pack my valued belongings. I out of that house before they returned.

I was bloody damned proud of myself for holding it all in till I checked into a hotel. Only then, did I allow myself to break down.

They didn't deserve my tears. None of them did. This was a way for me to let go of him and start anew.

Because I only get one life to live and I can bloody well live the way I want to.

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