8. The Other Woman

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May Daniels.

He was scowling.

Not my problem.

I turned around and pretended to ignore them. He wasn't happy with that obviously, for the moment later Alex and Eden joined us.

"Mind if we join you, ladies?" Eden directed the question at Jess who was staring at him with wide eyes. She shook her head.

Eden slipped in, beside Jess while Alex took the seat beside me.

"Hey! You were the guy at the school parking lot weren't you?" Jess was unusually observant this evening. I wanted to kick her for not getting drunk.

Alex smiled at her. A soft, heart rendering smile. "I'm Alex and this is Eden, my cousin."

He was turning on his charm at full force and it made me very suspicious. What was he up to?

"I'm Jessie. May and I work together. And we're also best friends."

Alex nodded and ordered another round of drinks. I opted for tequila this time. He narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything.

A while later Eden and Jess headed to the dance floor, leaving me alone with Alex. Not good...

His voice was deceptively soft when he spoke. "Why didn't you say you were going out?"

"Why should I? Did you forget that I'm an adult? I don't need your permission to go out with my friend, Alex." I said sharply.

"That is not the point." He snapped. "I went almost crazy when you weren't home. I was very worried.

"You went to my house?"

"To ask if wanted to go to the cabin again."

"You could have called me. Anyway how did you know that I was here?"

"It doesn't matter. If you had told me, I would have taken you instead. I have my own clubs with VIP lounges. Its more peaceful and less crowded than here." He glanced around with disdain.

"I was with you all day, Alex. I wanted to spend some time with my friend. I would really appreciate it if you could not bring me to places where you carry out your Mafia activities. And please don't avoid my question. How did you know where I was?"

He sighed. "I tracked your mobile."


He stated at me as if I was missing something very obvious. "Mafia, remember?"

Sure. So much for thinking. How am I to clear my head when he is sitting right beside me?!

I peeked at him from the corner of my eyes. He was watching Eden dance with Jess. His posture was stiff though his face remained expressionless.

"You're angry." I observed. It wasn't a question but a statement.

Alex looked at me coldly. "Can you guess why?"

"No idea." I replied quickly. "Just so you know, I'm not happy about you tracking me either."

He sighed heavily. "I know." He changed the subject abruptly. "Do you want to dance?"

"No thank you. Dancing is not my thing."

"Then why are you here?"

"Jess dragged me here."

"You really shouldn't be drinking this much." He said casually.

"Don't go there." With him here, I wanted to devour all the liquor available in the bar. But I wasn't sure if my body could take it. And I was supposed to be the responsible one, I snorted.

We were interrupted as a leggy blond approached us...well she only had eyes for him. That was enough for me to take an instant dislike to her.

It doesn't mean I was jealous...

"Hey Alex baby." She crooned. I made a face.

Alex smirked at her. "Do I know you?"

"It's Patty, darling. We met like a month ago at this very club. You may not remember me here, but surely you remember how I was in bed?" She leaned down resting her elbow on the table, allowing her large breasts to be on full view. It didn't matter to her that her nude coloured dress already had indecently plunging neckline.

"Sorry, I don't." Alex replied not looking sorry at all.

I had a sinking feeling forming in my pit. What kind of man forgets the women he took to bed? The player kind of course.

But the man I got to know for the past two days seemed far off the player kind. Hell, he is the Mafia. Girls are probably abundant for him.

So there now, he isn't my type at all. I was a one man, one woman kind of person. A part of was relieved. Another part simply irritated. How can I still think so logically? Shouldn't I be drunk for devil's sake?!

While my brain was doing all the thinking, my eyes were watching the pair like a hawk.

She was flirting with him shamelessly, flashing her cleavage as much as she could and asked him for a dance.

Alex turned to me. My heart soared. He was going to say no!

"If you don't want to dance, do you mind if I go ahead?"

My heart slammed into the soil. So much for hope. I shook my head, mutely motioning them to continue. Bile was strong on my tongue so it wouldn't be a good idea to speak. I ordered another round of tequila. A double shot this time and sorted them out on the dance floor.

They were simply dancing. Harmless dancing. Alex wasn't touching her at all. But the lady on the other hand... Catty was it? Or Patty? She was doing all the touching. First his neck then his chest. It seemed like she was trying too hard to sway her hips while making her artificial boobs bounce.

Oh! What would I like to do to her?! I could start off by empting my shot of tequila over her face. I shook my head. The drink was too good and expensive to waste on that caked up face.

A moment later she shifted around and began to grind him, all the while dancing to the pulsing rhythm. Alex moved his arms to her shoulders.

That's it! I emptied the shot in a gulp and charged straight towards them. My palms were twitching badly and I wanted to do something. Anything!

Alex saw me coming and stopped dancing. Wise choice. But my target was not him. It was that blond.

As I neared them, I could hear her whine. "Baby, why didn't you stop..." Her eyes widened when she saw me. "What are you..." Too bad she didn't get to finish her question.

My stomach decided to answer her with a growl. I threw up all over her expensive stilettos.

Author's note:

Did anyone else expected May to puke?!

How do think Alex will react?

While you wait for the new chapter, do check out my other works as well :)

Happy reading,
April Vishnu

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