43. Terror

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Alex Kellen.

The place was beyond recognition when I pulled in. My cousins were waiting for me outside with the staff, helpless against the greedy fire. It was obvious that the firemen had lost the battle with the raging beast.

My cousins and some of the staff were standing far away from the danger.

"Anyone hurt?" I called out.

Jeff shook his head. "No. We got everyone out before the building collapsed."

"Okay." The casino was a good source of income. Fucking hell! A loud sigh escaped me as I gazed around, wondering what's next. Then I noticed the tired faces of the staff. "You all should leave. The management will arrange a meeting later this week. Until then you get to enjoy paid leave." I dismissed the staff and turned to the rubble.

Money was the only loss I felt while watching the fire eat away the building. I had no sense of personal attachment with this particular business. It was just another way to make money that was handed down to me by my father. And somewhere deep inside me, there was a spark of satisfaction. The hold of the responsibility, forced onto me by my father seemed to loosen it's force on me. Watching that building burn, I felt no obligation to my father's rule anymore. I felt free. It was something that I had never felt before.

Jeff spoke quietly. "Where's May?"

"At the house. I couldn't risk bring her here. Too risky."

"Right. So what now? Your dad's going to be really pissed. The casino was his hardwork."

I shrugged, feeling not even a little bit of sorry. "Yeah well, I don't really feel sorry for him. We can always buy another property."

Jeff studied me carefully. "You don't seem very upset. I thought you went off your rockers when I called."

I scoffed. "I was mad that this happened right under our noses and I was worried about the staff. This building has no meaning for me. Just another something that was forced onto me by my father."

He merely nodded.

"It's not as though I burned it down anyway. It didn't matter if I wanted it or not. But now it's gone. It just happened and now I can move on."

"Are we talking about the casino?"

"What else?"

"Well, it sounded almost as though you were talking about your life."

A long moment passed before I answered."Maybe I was."

"I see..."

"None of us wanted this... You guys just chose to stick with me... For which I am very thankful..."

Jeff stared at me, probably wondering what the hell was going on with me. "Whoa! What brought this on, dude? Are you having a mental breakdown or something.

"Not a breakdown. I learned something earlier... I'm going to be a father..."


"May told me earlier this evening... She's pregnant."

A long silence followed the announcement. Then Jeff smirked. "I'm actually kind of surprised that you took so long. What have you been doing? Shooting blanks all these time?"

"Fuck of Jeff. Obviously I hadn't been shooting blanks. Or she wouldn't be pregnant." My tone turned deep with pride.

Jeff laughed in reply. "Oh well. Congratulations bro. You deserve some happiness in your fucked up life."

My lips lifted into a smile. Yeah, and trust May to give me my happiness. "I think this the perfect time."


"To start a new life. I don't want this life anymore. More than that I don't want to force this life on my kids."

"What you say makes sense. But this is not easy. There are many groups that wants to bring us down. Carlous for one, will not leave us alone."

"Fuck Carlous. I will do whatever it takes to leave all of these behind. But that doesn't mean you have to follow me. I leave your choice in your hands."

My phone beeped, distracting my attention. It wasn't a message, instead a picture. Of May.

"Go faster!" My yell made everyone jump.

"We should be there in five." Thomas grunted through his clenched jaw. I couldn't bring myself to think sanely. The fucker had me picture, then a video. My knuckles were white from gripping the mobile too hard. I was playing the video over and over again, wishing I was there to protect her. Her screams were made me see red everywhere.

How long was this ago? I will kill him.

"I think it was all planned." Jeff said over my shoulder. His face was pale from watching the gruesome video.

"Yeah, it's so fucking obvious now!" I snapped, just a second from yelling in frustration at my own stupidity. I simply couldn't believe I didn't bring her with me instead. "He set the casino on fire and diverted our attention. What I cannot understand is how he got into the house! It was safe as an iron house!"

The answer revealed itself as we sped through gates. Guards were lining the floor, most of them with bullet holes and blood. The air was thick with the stench of blood. A feeling of dread floated upon us as we neared the house.

Never had I felt this terrified before. Not when I commited my first murder. Not even when I almost died during a shootout.

But now... I was absolutely petrified of what I might find inside.

The eeriness of the silent place made my heart pound. It was so quiet and smell of death hung around.


The men behind me jumped when I yelled at the top of my voice. "Where are you?!"

I didn't stop calling for her as we searched room after room. Again I cursed myself for being stupid, for buying this fucking mansion for a beach house. But on the other hand, there were more places to hide. Fuck!

"There is no point panicking Alex! We need to find her first." Thomas snapped, unable to take it anymore.

Instead of answering him, I turned to the bedroom. "May?!" Despite my prayers there was no answer. But I knew the reason the moment I opened the door.

"May... May!"

There she was. Laying unconscious in a bloody heap on the bed.

Author's note:

Remember not to hate me :)

April Vishnu

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