14. Exhausting Night... Or Morning

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May Daniels.

Alex killed him. Just like that. I knew that he is the Mafia leader and killing for him, is as easy as eating popcorn. But maybe, somewhere deep down, I had hoped that he wasn't as sadistic as he was thought to be. Maybe under that all shit, I had hoped that he still felt some sort of regret to be like this.

But he didn't. He simply killed the man with a click of his gun and laughed. And it was that laugh that scared me.

I was trying to get away from him, as fast as my legs could take me. It didn't matter that, right now I was literally stranded. My house just got exploded together with all my belongings and all I wanted is to get far from the man who saved me from being a pile of ash.

"May! Wait!"

My legs began to sprint. Belatedly I realized that I should have worn shoes. And the path seemed to be filled with sharp twigs and tiny stones that hurt my bare sensitive soles.

A moment later I tripped over a large branch and went down hard. That was the last straw. And I lost it. Completely.

I have never been that much of a crier. A tear or two was usually what I allowed. But tonight was a total opposite. I was simply exhausted.

Tears ran like streams from my eyes. I didn't even know I had that much of water in my body...let alone my eyes!

Then I felt a pair of arms around me, strong and masculine. He tried to carry me up. I screamed bloody murder. His touch wasn't pleasant anymore. He killed a man with those hands less than five minutes ago.

"Don't! Please don't touch me."

Alex winced at my words. Or maybe my tone.

"Please May. We have to leave. Now." He sounded urgent. For a moment that distracted me from my hysteria. It was then, I realized the loud screeching of sirens. The fire department, most likely.

I pulled back from him and shook my head. "I am not going anywhere with you."

The sirens were getting nearer. Hurry!

Alex simply ignored me and grabbed me. It didn't bother him that I was struggling with everything I have. He swung me over his shoulder and walked to his car as though I weighed nothing. Then he strapped me in and locked the doors after shooting me a contemplative glance. As if I was a child.

We didn't exchange a single word throughout the drive. He was angry that I ran away from him. I was...well I wasn't really sure what I was feeling. I wanted to hug...to kiss him with all I have. I also wanted to put as much of distance as I could from him. It was all too confusing!

And thus, I gave him the silent treatment.

When we arrived at his place, he unlocked the door. I didn't wait for him. Jumping out, I was determined to march off away from him.

If only!

As soon as I put my weight on my legs, I hit the ground with a whimper. My right leg began to hurt like a bitch.


Shame... That was what I was feeling. I ignoring the pain as a much as I could, I stumbled off.

"Why are you limping, May?!"


"Are you hurt?"

Well, duh! But I gave him more silence. Silence all the way till we made it to the door which was annoyingly locked. I had no choice but to wait for him.

He walked slowly, taking his own sweet time and didn't stop till he was standing less than an inch away from me.

I was shorter than him. So all I could see, without looking up, was his chin and lips. No way in hell was I going to look into his eyes now!

"You're not talking to me?" His sweet breath caressed me.


His lips twitched. I wanted to kick myself into oblivion.

"Stop this, May."

"I'll stop when you stop killing people."

He took a step back and I allowed myself to look up. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"He tried to kill us first, if you had noticed. If I didn't kill him, he would have killed us."

"And who exactly is 'he'? Why would 'he' want us dead?"

"The men worked for Carlous."

My patience was wearing thin with the lack of information. "Who the hell is Carlous?!"

Alex regarded me carefully. Probably thinking if he should say more.

I glared at him. "Tell me!"

He sighed in defeat. "You could say that we're enemies. He always wanted me dead. But recently, more."


"Remember a few days ago, I told you about three little girls who were kidnapped?"

I perked up immediately. "Yes."

"Carlous was the one who kidnapped them. Then I kidnapped the girls from him. But because of that fucker, Eric, I lost them."

"But you saved them again? That's why he was trying to kill you..." I whispered, finally understanding. God! Was I stupid! "You also mentioned that you were working on it. Did you save the girls?"

He didn't answer. Instead he opened the door after punching in the code and walked in.

Seriously?! He needs to learn some manners. It was a good thing that I was persistent. I limped after him, telling him loudly of what I thought of people who walked off in the middle of a conversation.

I was so hot on his heels that when he stopped abruptly, I bumped into him, hard.

We both lost our balance from the impact and landed on the floor. Me on top of him.

Hell! My leg is probably broken right now!

He pulled me even closer. "I like you on top of me."

I gave him an icy glare and got up to my feet. He followed suit and opened the door in front of us.

The lights were dim but easy to see. There was a large bed, with three little lumps huddled together.

I sucked in a breath and stared at him in surprise. "The girls? They're are here?!"

Author's note:

If you're enjoying this story, you may want to check my other works as well!

Thank you!
April Vishnu

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