36. Mother's Boy

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May Daniels.

It was simply amusing to watch the Mafia leader cower under his mother's icy glare. He loved his mother. That was obvious as hell. But to watch him change from a killer to a boy who got into mischief in front his mother made him seem more human, more hot and sexy. A moment later I cursed myself for my wayward thinking.

Shortly after Alex was awake, everyone came crowding to the room to see him...including his mother, Evie Kellen.

"Why in the world didn't you tell me?!" His mother didn't yell, but her displeasure was very evident. Even his cousins seemed to be uncomfortable.

"I was just too busy!"

"Too busy to call your own mother?! The last I saw you was on your birthday and that was months ago! If May didn't call me to say that you were injured, I would never known. And I know for certain that none of you would have informed me." She glanced in irritation at his cousins.

Alex shot me a glare from where he was sitting. "You called her?"

"Don't you dare scold that angel!"

"I didn't!"

"You were about to!"

I interrupted quickly. "Evie, the girls are waiting for you at the art room. They wanted to show you something."

"Yes, of course my dear. I'd rather spend my time with the little angels than the son who doesn't even care about me."

"Oh, come on mom! I care about you!"

"You have a funny way of showing it. You better treat May good or I will come after you." She promised before exiting the room to look for the girls. Alex waited for few minutes before turning his glare at me.

"How did you get my mother's number?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "From your phone."

"And how did you unlock my phone? It has a password."

"The password was the date we met." I stated as a matter of fact. It took me mere six attempts to figure the passcode to his precious mobile.

"Right. Why didn't you tell me that she was here." He was frowning heavily as though I had kept something very crucial from him deliberately. The truth was I didn't get a chance to tell him.

I released a heavy breath. "Firstly you were unconscious. And when you woke up, we spoke barely for five minutes." My voice raised higher with indignation when he looked away with guilt etched on his lovely, unkempt face. "Thirdly I didn't know you were so afraid of your mother."

Alex shot me a dirty glance. "I am not afraid of her. I just respect her a lot."

I smiled at him sweetly. "Whatever you say. What do you want for lunch?"

"You. I want you for lunch." His mood changed from annoyance to lust instantly. "I want to spank you for that tone you used on me and have my wicked way with you all day long."

My breath got stuck somewhere in my throat at his blatant desire for me. I wanted nothing else but to lose myself with him but he was injured and anything physical will have to wait. With much difficulty, I met his gaze head on and attempted to be firm with him. "Sorry but I'm not on the menu. Not until you recover."

"You can't be serious!"

"I am serious. I don't want you doing anything that will make your injuries worse."

His baby blue eyes gleamed. "How about you do all the action and just let me lie here and enjoy."

I gasped at the image that he had conjured in my mind. So carnal, so tempting. But no no no! "I'll get you something to eat." I muttered and left the room as fast as my legs could carry me. His laughter followed me till I reached the kitchen. Doris, the house keeper had prepared chicken soup and freshly baked bread for Alex. I watched her ladle a generous portion, my mind wondering what will happen when I go back with his food. Well, I could always ask Doris to bring his food but its a given that I wouldn't do that. He just woke up and I wanted spend as much time as I could with him.

With my hands trembling slightly, I tiptoed back to his room with his food. I tried to concentrate on not spilling his soup instead of the way he had looked at me just a couple of minutes ago. It was utterly useless though.

"Ah! You're back!"

"Yeah, I bought you some food. You are probably hungry."

"Yes I am. Absolutely ravenous."

I gulped at the way his eyes took me in. I felt as though he was undressing me in his mind. And for a moment I felt very conscious of the way I looked. My hair was all over the place and my clothes were all crumbled from spending very second at his side waiting for him to wake.

"I can't eat from here when the food there. It looks so sexy and smell is making me a crazed, starved man."

My feet were frozen to the floor. I couldn't find the courage to move. He was definitely referring to me not the food!

"Come here." He crooked his forefinger at me. "Or I will." His voice was soft but the threat was real. Without my approval, my feet glided towards him.

"Good girl. What is it on the tray?"

"Chicken soup and bread. Doris baked it this afternoon."

"Have you eaten?"

"Uh uh."

"You are terrible at lying." He countered.

"I will eat when I'm hungry."

"Then I will eat when you're hungry."

"Don't be ridiculous, Alex. Eat." I said rather sharply.

"Eat with me." He insisted forcefully. The man was stubborn as a brick and I knew I couldn't budge him on his.


I helped him into the sitting position. He seemed to sit without much difficulty and insisted that I feed him. His eyes never left mine as I fed him. Then he watched me in fascination as I ate the delicious soup and bread.

"You want more?" I asked as I cleared away the remains.

"I just want you."

"Alright. Now you listen to me." I finally snapped unable to take the misery anymore. "I know that you want me and I am desperate for your touch like there is no tomorrow. But we can't do anything now and you need to stop torturing me with your...your steamy words.

He didn't say anything. He simply gazed at me with his eyes twinkling and all of a sudden, he pulled me tightly against his hard, sexy body. "You want me too, huh?"

I let out a sigh, feeling content being in his arms. "You have no idea."

"I think I have an idea. I love you, you know that?"

"I know that. I love you too. Madly."

"Hmm..." He smiled in satisfaction. "What time is it?"

"It's evening. Almost seven." I pulled back to examine his face. "You should sleep. You look so exhausted."

"Come, sit here." He moved aside to make space for me on the bed. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea.

"I sleep better with you in my arms." He offered as an explanation and I relented at the tender look on his face.

"Hmm... I feel the same way." I murmured and cuddled against him, trying my best to not further hurt him.

I have to admit that I slept better that night. Better than the days of the entire past miserable week.

Author's note:

Steamy chapter coming up next!

April Vishnu

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