32. Tracking Device

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Alex Kellen.

This cannot be happening! I glared, tongue tied at the guards as they stared back in fear.

"How?" My voice was a hoarse whisper. But it made them flinch all the same. Only my cousins were brave enough to stand close to me. My arms were around the girls, enclosing them protectively.

"We don't know sir. Miss Daniels went inside for about fifteen minutes so we went in to check. But she wasn't there. There was no sign of her or any struggle that might have occurred."

I gritted my teeth. It wouldn't do me any good to lose my temper in front of the girls. With every ounce of effort I had, I held myself in check and turned to Eden.

"Get the girls back to the beach house safely." My snarl made Eden triple his pace. He grabbed the girls who had grown quiet and ushered them out of the building with few other guards.

I turned to Thomas. "I want you to overturn the ladies room. Look for clues or whatever that you can find. And I need the security footage of this fucking mall. Whoever that's got to May couldn't possibly own a fucking invisibility cloak. His face must be have been caught by the cameras at some point."

"I'll get the security footage." Jeff took out his mobile to make a quick call. Thomas had left to do his part with a couple of guards.

Five seconds later Jeff turned to me. "The security room is on the first floor. This way."

"I will go through the security footage. Meanwhile I want you to track May's phone." I barked out the orders before heading to the security room.

As expected the interior of the ladies room wasn't covered by a CCTV. Only the outside part of it. All I could see was May entering the room followed by the guards fifteen minutes later. There was no sign of anyone else.

I turned to the guards who had followed me. "I want you to watch each and every footage of the Mall since the last midnight till now and update me."

"Yes sir."

My phone beeped. I answered it within a second. "Go."

"There is a window in the toilet that could have been the getaway. It was screwed by very loosely from the outside as though it was done in a hurry."

Fuck! "Okay, get back to the security room. We need to plan the next move." My eyes were on Jeff who was meddling with his laptop. He was trying to track May's mobile.

He pressed a few keys and my eyes focused on a red dot, moving stealthily. I looked up briefly when Thomas entered the room.

"Alex!" Jeff yelled. "I got a signal on May's phone. Whoever took her must have overlooked it. They're on the move now. We can catch up if we hurry."

"Or he could have tossed it away to throw us off track. This could be a wildgoose chase." Thomas warned.

"Maybe." I took a deep breath. "But it's the only lead we have for now. I will go check myself."

Jeff shot me a look of incredulity. "No way. I'm coming with you, man."

"How about the girls?"

"Eden will stay with the girls. We will go and get May."

"Why? I didn't ask for help."

"Because we are a family." He met my gaze head on. "May is a part of our family. And I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"How close are we?" My tone was impatient, perfectly masking the worry and desperation in my voice. Hours has passed and we were still tracking. The sun was already sinking, taking my heart with it.

"Very very close. The device has stopped moving some minutes ago. The bastard had probably parked somewhere."

Twenty minutes later, Thomas parked the sedan in between some cluster of trees well away from curious eyes.

We crept around and found ourselves staring at a parking lot across from a gas station. Only a large truck was parked there. Could she be here? Oh please be here. I need you, May. I need you safe and secure in my arms.

"Go Alex, I'll cover you." Thomas suggested in a low voice.

I was about to nod when my mobile vibrated. It held close up pictures of a man who was seen entering the mall at three in the early hours of the morning. The last picture showed him entering the ladies room. And he never left, not until he got her.

The thought how perfectly all these were planned made my blood boil. It had been so easy. May had walked into the trap just like that! And furthermore, I had let her!

"Alex?" My eyes were tightly closed while I attempted to control my temper before I let the others know. It didn't take long. Time was of essence.

My lips were in a thin line as I showed the rest the pictures. They nodded in silent agreement.

"Let's do this." I waved to the guards. "Round up the area." It was deathly quiet as though the place was deserted. But I wasn't taking any chance. Moonlight made everything eerie but provided enough light to not use a torch.

The rubber soles of my shoes aided me to be quiet. My body was pressed against the side of the truck as I tried to stay invisible. My men were in the shadows as they rounded up the parking lot.

I moved to the front and saw him almost immediately. The same fucker on the CCTV footage. He was sleeping across the seat, snoring heavily. Drool was spilling from his over large mouth. If I weren't so furious, I would have been disgusted.

My left hand was ready with my gun. With my right hand, I curled my fingers into a fist and punched him right in the middle of his face breaking his nose in the process.

He woke up with an howl and tumbled down from the seat. I pulled his collar roughly, watching with immense satisfaction as he land on the hard concrete.

It took him moments to get his bearings. I eyed him with immense distaste while he held his bloody nose. A second later his sight trained on the gun pointing at his face.

"Start talking or you will end up with another hole in your face." No need to say that I was going to kill him anyway. Maybe not right now but soon...probably...

"Where is she?" My voice had begun to tremble with fury.

The bastard scowled as he recovered from the fall. "How am I supposed to know?" His answer earned him more attention from two more guns. He seemed pretty relaxed enough even though there were three guns aiming right at his head. "I only picked her up as they told me to."

"Picked her up? You fucking kidnapped her!" Jeff snapped.

He just shrugged, completely void of emotions. He wasn't feeling any regrets or fear. It made me uneasy though I didn't show it. What kind of creature is this?

"Bring him to the warehouse." I said calmly. "I know how to make him talk."

"No, you won't." He smirked, pulling out a shotgun from his jacket.

"Are you fucking blind?" Thomas muttered in annoyance. "You better put that down or I will kill you right now."

He had the gun aimed under his throat. "You can never make me talk. Just like how you will never find her." He sneered and pulled the trigger without an ounce of hesitation.

We stood there for a full minute, staring at the lifeless bastard in disbelief.

"Oh! This is just great!" Thomas yelled in anger. "Fucking fucked up. If only May was wearing any tracking device. Things might be so much easier!"

I stared at him, speechless and utterly annoyed with myself. Not to say how dumb I was feeling. There was a way to find her. A solution that had been staring right in my face and I was just too goddamned stupid to realize it.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading! Do remember to vote and comment!


April Vishnu

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