23. You Can't Leave!

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Alex Kellen.

Never had I ever felt like this in my life.


The fear of losing her. It made me question my capabilities of being the leader to my family. How can I allow a woman to become my liability?

She made me vulnerable. And I have to stop this.

"We have arrived, sir." My driver's low voice brought me of my reverie. True enough we were in the parking lot of the place I considered safe haven.

I exited the car and noticed May immediately. She was lounging on a chair beside the pool. The girls were happily squealing and jumping in the water. I glanced around and realized how open the area was.

"Are you all out of your mind?" Everyone around me jumped at my angry bellow.

May's face had shock registered all over it. But seconds later the shock dissolved into a shy smile. "Hey Alex!"

I waved her off rudely. "Get inside now. All of you." Then I pointed to the six  guards who stood nearby. "You're fired."

With that I walked off to my office to deal with the impending disaster in the form of Jethro Tannel.

He wanted May. But why?

I was in the dark with the information of their past relationship. All I knew is that the bastard married May's sister instead of her. And he made that change half an hour before the wedding.

This was all we were able to find.

I had no doubt that he had everything planned carefully. Hell we didn't even know that he was a part of a Mafia mob until he showed himself.

So where did that put May?

And May's family?

A soft knock interrupted my thoughts.
"Sir? Dinner is ready. Miss Daniels and the girls are waiting for you."

I merely nodded and dismissed the housekeeper who scurried off in a hurry.

I was severely sleep deprived. But I couldn't sleep. I had no idea how to deal with the guilt I was feeling. Last night was a disaster. Well I turned dinner into a disaster.

First I behaved like an disgusting ogre, snapping at the girls for everything single mundane thing. Then when May tried to knock some sense into my brain in the privacy of my office, I had lashed out on her.

She had tried holding in her tears. But I saw them quite clearly as she walked out.

I hurt her.

Oh fuck me...

"Sir, we have a problem."

"Go." I was seated on my chair, head leaning against the leather while staring at the ceiling. "Miss Daniels is attempting to leave."

"What?!" I stood up so abruptly that my chair flew to the other end of the room, crashing loudly into a cabinet. "Don't you dare let her leave! If she manages to get a finger out of this land, I'll give you a fate worse than death."

"Y...yes sir."

"I'll be down in a minute." I was already halfway down the stairway as I ended the call.

My legs were sprinting to the gates as fast as they could. Exactly ten seconds later, the gates came into my view. Well, I wasn't focused on the gates, but the four humans standing nearby. Three guards and...


"What are you doing May?"

She stiffened immediately at the sound of my voice but didn't turn around to face me.

"I have found an temporary place for me to stay until my house is repaired. I'm not longer your responsibility. Not that I have been before anyway."

I frowned. "What are you talking about? Come back inside."

"Don't tell me what do to. Like I said, I wish to leave."

"Fine. Hold on for a while. I'll pack some clothes and we can go wherever you want."

"No." May snapped.


"No. I want go by myself. That is how I have been before you came into my life. I have never depended on anyone for my survival, nor do I intend to."

It was obvious by now that last night had hurt her too much. My words had made think that she lost her edge. And I regretted my actions more than anything. "Listen, if this is about what I said yesterday... I...I wasn't thinking, May. I said a lot of stupid things. But I didn't mean any of them."

She finally turned around and my breath got stuck at the sight of her. She had dark circles around her red, puffy eyes. She has been crying. Because of me.

"Those weren't stupid words, Alex. It was the truth." Her voice was too quiet as though she was trying hard to be calm.

"Not at all. Please." I begged. "Don't go! I need you here."

"No Alex. I need to do this. We aren't compatible at all. It was all the sex. Once the lust wears off, it's just plain obvious that we are not compatible."

Lust? That's it?

I stepped closer and scooped her over my shoulders. Her crutches clattered to the ground.

"Alex!" She let out a surprised squeal which almost turned into a angry shriek. "Put me down!"


"You have no right to manhandle me like this!"

I tightened my hold. "Maybe not. But I'm still doing it."


I smacked her soft butt. The surprise... Or the shock of my action made her pause for a while. Then wiggled again. Harder than before. "Stop struggling. You're going to end up hurting yourself."

"Y...you! Selfish bastard! Put me down! Who said you can spank me?! This is just outrageous!"

"I spanked you because you won't listen to me."

"We had time to talk yesterday, Alex but you just too busy being angry with everyone."

"Yes. I agree that I behaved like an asshole. But I want to talk now and you won't listen."

"Put me down!"

"Stay with me, then."


"No to you too."

"Alex! You're one son of a..." Her vocabulary started becoming more colourful and creative. The words even made the guards turn away with red ears.

I pointed to one of the guard's pocket and nodded twice. He understood the signal perfectly and passed me a syringe of sedative kept at the first aid box in the guard house. It took me less than fifteen seconds to inject the sedative on her leg.

"Ouch! What in heck was that?!"

I didn't answer her but held on to her for next three minutes enduring her insults that became weaker by the second. When I felt her body go limp on my shoulder, I let out a huge sigh. Damn! She is going to be so mad when she wakes up.

So lord help me...

Author's note:

Get prepared for May's fury!
For enquiries/comments, drop me an email at authoraprilvishnu@gmail.com

And do check out my other works as well! Thank you :)

April Vishnu

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