21. Familiar Face

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Alex Kellen.

Her pink lush lips were slightly open. I wanted to kiss them. To nibble them and claim her mine.

Yes...she was mine.

Last night ended in a way that neither of us expected. But then, every day with May was unpredictable. Exciting and full of life.

I told her what I felt despite knowing that she might leave. But she didn't and that raised my hopes of having a future with her. My mind day dreamed of the life I wanted to live with her.

And now I have three little girls too. All because of her.


"You're staring at me." A soft, sleepy voice floated in the air. "I don't know if it's romantic or creepy."

I laughed heartily. "Romantic. Definitely romantic."

She smiled and wrapped her hands around my neck to pull me in for a kiss.

A while later I pulled back with a reluctant groan. "I would love to continue this but I have to go."

"You're leaving?" She pouted. Then a barely noticeable but mischievous, glint appeared in her eyes. "Fine." She pulled herself up into a sitting position which made the covers fall and reveal her tanned body.

My mouth watered at the sight her naked beauty and my sensible thoughts flew out the window. With a low growl, I pounced and sealed her lips with mine and effectively stopped her giggles.

We lay in the warm cocoon of our embrace. "I really have to leave. I can't be late for this, May."

"Hey!" She slapped my arm playfully. "I'm not keeping you back! It's not my fault that you can't keep your hands off me."

I nuzzled her neck, inhaling her sweet, warm scent. "Hmm... You smell so good."

"I smell of sex, Alex. I haven't even brush my teeth yet."

"You still smell good. But yeah, the bed reeks of awesome sex."

May raised her eyebrows. "Awesome?"

I smirked arrogantly. "I know it was awesome. You sound hoarse from screaming my name all night long."

The blush that coloured her cheeks was too adorable and it was impossible to not tease her.

"Don't you have to go?" May grunted in annoyance with my teasing.

"Yeah... I do." I sighed internally wishing I could skip this meeting. "Remember the loose ends I mentioned yesterday?"

She tilted her head to one side and stared at me.

I took that as a sign that she wanted to know more. "It was Carlous. He requested a meeting with me."

May bolted up immediately, her lovely face clouded with panic. "You're going to meet him?!" Her eyes were wide with fear. Fear she felt for me.

I gripped her hand, trying to assure her. "Don't worry. I'll be safe. My men had already secured the area. And my cousins will be with me too."

"Your cousins?"

"The men you saw with me when we met for the first time. I will introduce them soon. Maybe right after we return, okay?"

"Okay. Be safe Alex."

"I will. Take care of the girls."

Of all the places, the meeting had to be arranged in a godforsaken rundown bar. But it was a neutral territory which was safe. The manpower was equal on both sides.

I glanced around at the men who stood near the door awaiting their leader. They were bulky with beer bellies and smelt like they had too much cigars. I almost laughed. These were his best men? They didn't look like they could walk a mile, let alone run. However will they stay alive in a shootout? They will probably die of a heart attack or lung cancer first.

There was a slight snicker behind me and I knew I was not the only one amused.

Eden, Thomas and Jeff stood behind me followed by the men ranked under them. We were all armed subtly.

Exactly a minute later, Carlous appeared, flanked by three of his men. Well at least they seemed to be in a good shape.

"Did I make you wait?" Carlous asked, his mockery very mild in his tone.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the typical mindset of the old man. Coming late didn't mean you held more power. It simply meant you can't keep your word.

My hands were meddling with the clasp on my watch as Carlous took his own time, settling in his chair opposite mine. His men rushed to get him a drink.

"So how are you, Alex?"

"Alive and kicking." I smirked at him. His face darkened at my not so subtle reminder of his failure. He had failed to kill me... Again.

"Oh well." He shrugged. "If only you would join me...we can rule together like a family."

"I'll pass."

Carlous tsked. "Still so stubborn."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Tell me again. Why are we having this meeting."

"You see, I really want something from you."

I stopped him with a raise of my hand. "The girls are not available anymore, Carlous. So you can stop talking about them."

"No Alex. The girls are the past tense. I'm more interested in someone else now. Or rather, my partner is."

"Your partner?" How did I not know about this?

Carlous sneered. "Yes. He is very much interested in your whore."

It took a heartbeat for my temper to shoot up. My fists tightened in anger. "Whore?" I repeated in a low voice. One more word about May from the fucker's mouth and he won't live to see another day.

He rolled his eyes. "That woman. May Daniels."


"God knows. She doesn't even look that pretty."

"Who is your partner?" I was in full inquisition mode.

"He is a silent partner." He was smiling at me smugly.

"Silent partner?"

"Yeah he lives on his own without the mafia glory. And he runs his own legal business. A very smart man."

Slient partner... Lives on his own?  Legal business? Interesting...

It sounded like the man was trying hard not to be connected with mafia ties. Idly I wondered why Carlous was even in partnership with him. It was so unlike him. He preferred to be the top dog. If he took on a partnership, it was probably to get rid of me.

"What does he want with May?"

"Like I said. I don't know." Carlous raised his voice. "You give me the woman and you can keep the girls."

"Not happening." My voice was flat without any hint of a compromise. This was so gonna end up in a fight. But there was no way in hell am I allowing May to be within fifty feet of these people. Okay... make it five hundred. "Anything else?"

"Then we will have to use force then." Carlous face was turning red. He was getting angry and I was in no mood for a gang war.

"You can try." I stood up to leave. But before I could take a step, there was sound of a door opening.

"Oh great. Just in time." Oddly, Carlous sounded somehow relieved. "Alex meet my partner, Jet."

I turned around and saw a very familiar face.

Jethro Tannel.


Author's note:

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April Vishnu

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